Interoperability and Technology/Tech Dive Webinar Series

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

Tech Dive Webinars

9 March 2023: "Meeting Data Where it Lives: the power of virtual access patterns"

Mike Johnson (Lynker, NOAA-affiliate) will rant and rave about the VRT and VSI (curl and S3) virtual data access patterns and how he's used them to work with LCMAP and 3DEP data in integrated climate and data analysis workflows.


9 Feb 2023: "February 2023 - Rants & Raves"

The conversation built on the "rants and raves" session from the 2023 January ESIP Meeting, starting with very short presentations and an in-depth discussion on interoperability and the Committee's next steps.

  • Mike Mahoney: Make Reproducibility Easy
  • Dave Blodgett: FAIR data and Science Data Gateways
  • Doug Fils: Web architecture and Semantic Web
  • Megan Carter: Opening Doors for Collaboration
  • Yuhan (Douglas) Rao: Where are we for AI-ready data?

I had a couple major take aways from the Winter Meeting:

  • We have come a long way in IT interoperability but most of our tools are based on tried and true fundamentals. We should all know more about those fundamentals.
  • There are a TON of unique entry points to things that, at the end of the day, do more or less the same thing. These are opportunities to work together and share tools.
  • The “shiny object” is a great way to build enthusiasm and trigger ideas and we need to better capture that enthusiasm and grow some shared knowledge base.

So with that, I want to suggest three core activities:

  1. We seek out presentations that explore foundational aspects of interoperability. I want to help build an awareness of the basics that we all kind of know but either take for granted, haven’t learned yet, or straight up forgot.
  2. We ask for speakers to explore how a given solution fits into multiple domain’s information systems and to discuss the tension between the diversity of use cases that are accommodated by an IT solution targeted at interoperability. We are especially interested to learn about the expense / risk of adopting dependencies vs the efficiency that can be gained from adopting pre-built dependencies.
  3. We look for opportunities to take small but meaningful steps to record the core aspects of these sessions in the form of web resources like the ESIP wiki or even Wikipedia. On this front, we will aim to construct a summary wiki page from each meeting assembled from a working notes document and the presenting authors contribution.
