Sustainable Data Management/20200710 telcon notes
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- summary/discussion of the TRUST mini-symposium.
- Hoping some of you have read the TRUST paper:
- Reminder: put this on your sched:
- Aligning data publishing workflows among repositories, publishers, funders, and researches
- Margaret O'Brien (scribe)
- Shelley Stall
- Megan Carter
- Sophie Hou
- Helen Glaves
- Philip Tarrant
- Ruth Duerr
- Erin Antognoii
- Rebecca Koskela (post CDF)
- Corinna
- Rebecca
TRUST mini-symp concentric circles. diagram. - Recording here: _____
- repositories focus on implementation, an inner Circle, within Aspirations (TRUST, FAIR, CARE) and certification (CTS, WDS, ISO) - within that, the HOW (rather than the WHAT)
1:32 PMShelley Stall to Everyone
The link to the recording of the TRUST mini symposium:
1:34 PMShelley Stall to Everyone CARE princples:
1:42 PMShelley Stall to Everyone Recommendations for Services in a FAIR Data Ecosystem
repo how-items
Audience for eventual doc:
- groups aspiring to be repository (or use an existing reps instead of web page-posting) - even individual researchers do this.
- existing repos aspiring to certification
Aspiration (in the TRUST outer circle) are open to interpretation. Our guidelines describe implementation.
Root cause of the web-page-problem: researchers cannot find repositories that meet their needs
in order to fulfills what your communities ask for (fair, trust, core) here is what repo comm has determined are the base capability to take these, and find repos that meet them.
What about the rest of the data life cycle? some aspects happen outside of the repo.
Define "repository": ? Other vocabulary needed (responsibility, authority,
CDF: repos get different sets of requirements from funders, publishers, community. are we adding to that? or unifying? (we are the repository community, we address it like this. ie, repo community is at the top, not the receiver.)
Post link to new CDF leadership: _____
Goals: we want to promote funding to address repos angst (who cannot yet meet these guidelines) prioritize some parts (eg, the T of trust, then items within that) roadmap.
research community become discerning consumers.
Action Items
- add new folks to list serve - mob
- get TRUST mini symp link - mob
- start a spreadsheet to brainstorm on a matrix - Ruth
- look at the Sustainable DM google drive?