Data Management Training/meeting notes 20150924

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

Meeting Agenda - Data Management Training - 2015-09-24 9:30am PDT

Link to webex: Passcode: 23138372

Telecon: 1-877-668-4493 Access Code: 23138372


Welcome & quick intro to the new members of this small group
Discussion / answering any questions about background / context for our work
Discussion of ideas for a clearinghouse & how we could / should approach for purposes of this proposal based on ideas outlined on the google doc here:
Review of focus & requirements for CDI RFP
What area(s) of the CDI Science Support Framework could / should our project target?
Included in the RFP, but also see (in color!) here:
Approach & work plan for creating the SOI
What is our approach & what tasks can be done w/in a 6 – 12 month timeline?
Letters of support from?
Who can do what?
How should we involved rest of group?