ISO People

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Revision as of 12:42, April 26, 2013 by Ted.Habermann (talk | contribs)

How ISO Does It

The CI_RoleCode is a very important addition to the ResponsibleParty section of ISO metadata records that extends the scientific paper model used for citations in the FGDC and the Personnel field in the DIF. Any ISO citation can reference multiple Responsible Party objects, each of which can have a different role. This means that a citation can have people identified in any or all of the roles listed in the CI_RoleCode object. One important way that this helps NGDC is that it allows us to associate contact information (i.e. an email address) with datasets that we receive that are not published in a scientific paper or book.

+ individualName [0..1] : CharacterString
+ organisationName [0..1] : CharacterString
+ positionName [0..1] : CharacterString
+ contactInfo [0..1] : CI_Contact
+ role : CI_RoleCode

+ resourceProvider
+ custodian
+ owner
+ user
+ distributor
+ originator
+ pointOfContact
+ principalInvestigator
+ processor
+ publisher
+ author
+ sponsor
+ coAuthor
+ collaborator
+ editor
+ mediator
+ rightsHolder
+ contributor
+ funder
+ stakeholder

Where Are Contacts?

ESIP Response


  • Ken Casey: - Of course, this is a no-brainer
  • Jeff Arnfield – people and organizations in general
  • Tyler Stevens – GCMD provides several “unique” roles within its metadata
  • (Unknown) – Detailed contact info needed!
  • Xing, D. Jacob, Ed Armstrong, *Karl Benedict, John Scialdone, (unknown)