P&S Telecon - February 11, 2012
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Revision as of 23:36, February 11, 2013 by Chris Mattmann (Chrismattmann) (talk | contribs) (Created page with "ESIP P&S Telecon February 11, 2013 Attendees: ---------------- Ken Keiser Phil Yang Erin Robinson Chris Mattmann Unknown other person Agenda: ------------ 1. Reconciling our...")
ESIP P&S Telecon February 11, 2013
Ken Keiser Phil Yang Erin Robinson Chris Mattmann Unknown other person
1. Reconciling our AWS account charges with ESIP P&S testbed
- Erin brings up her desktop - 4 or 5 projects on the cloud - paying $460 bux/month for these projects - issue with projects not quite knowing how to budget for the cloud - Line Pouchard budgeted in resources - the ones that didn't budget those in to the original plan - Chris will query the 3-4 projects besides Line and ask them about their compute and storage usage patterns and then use that to make a decision on what to continue or discontinue - Christine White's might be ready for moving off of the Testbed and into prod - need to understand the needs and whether it should be higher or lower - Define a budget item of the P&S committee for cloud resources - Understand P&S mapping of dollars to resources and projects - come up with a chart
2. State of the practice documents from Clusters
- Geospatial - Open Source - Others - template already out there in ESIP Commons that Karl Benedict and Excom? suggested - Ken mentions that each of the project leads on the testbed consider writing one of these documents on their project - in some ways each of the projects should be sponsored by a particular cluster/project or committee - http://commons.esipfed.org/node/406
3. Training material for using Earth science information products (Erin/Yolanda)
- graduate student professional development or Executive training for graduate students or domain scientists that need to be semi literate in the informatics concepts - she material on workflow and semantic web - ESIP has material on data management, planning and implementing - maybe have students develop a 1 week training around that at the ESIP summer meeting - another similar effort being led by (Chi Curu at SDSC?) related to NSF Earth Cube - Ken mentions there is a NASA ROSES call for workshops that may have to support this - Also opportunity for EarthCube RCN - maybe with Yolanda and education
4. Walk through of existing P&S activities to inform Chris
- None - Moving the testbed forward and doing some restructuring related to that - Moving ESIP P&S to a standing committee? - provide more stable infrastructure type things for ESIP - current committee is open to any membership (anyone that is willing to join can) - standing committee has appointees (similar to Executive Committee) - established a testbed configuration board - smaller set of people reviewing things - maybe work on this over the next year - make some inroads with the constitution and bylaws group - new chair for that group, it's Tamara Ledley, but go directly to Carol
5. Any other business
- Chris can work with Erin to create an ESIP organization in Github - currently backing up ESIP Drupal here
6. Adjourn