Data Management Course Outline
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Revision as of 10:15, July 12, 2011 by Carolbmeyer (talk | contribs)
NOTE: We agreed that the target audience initially would be scientists
For Scientists
The case for data stewardship
- Agency requirements
- NSF data management plan
- NASA science data policy
- NOAA data management planning directive
- Return on Investment
- Return on your investment - Peter Fox
- Expanding the audience for your data
- Return on public investments
- Verifiable science
- Tying your data to standards, metrics, and benchmarks
- Facilitating science through interoperable discovery and access
- Enhancing your reputation
- Preserving the Scientific Record
- Establishing Relationships with archives
- Preserving a Record of Environmental Change - Tom Karl
- Other case studies?
- What Not to do when Archiving Data! - David Anderson (2:30)
Data Management plans
- Why do a data management plan
- Elements of a plan - Ruth Duerr (needs redo and chopped into parts?
- Identify materials to be created
- Identify your audience(s)
- Data organization
- Roles and responsibilities
- Describing your data
- Standards used
- Data access, sharing, and re-use policies
- Backups, archives, and preservation strategy
- Estimating effort required
- Some available resources
Local Data Management
- Tracking and describing changes to the data
- Data identifiers and locators
- Creating metadata
- For your collections as a whole
- Creating item level metadata
- Metadata for discovery
- Metadata for access and use
- Metadata for archiving
- Metadata for tracking data processing
- Publishing metadata to GCMD
- Publishing metadata to ECHO
- Advertising your data (i.e., data casting)
- Recording provenance and context
- Backing up your data
- File naming conventions
- Developing a citation for your data
- Data Formats
- Building understandable spreadsheets
- Using self-describing data formats
- Choosing and adopting community accepted standards
- Avoiding proprietary formats
- Working with your archive organization
- Broadening your user community
- Planning for longer term preservation
- Providing access to your data
- Evaluating who your audience is
- Who gets to access your data
- Agency best practices & policies
- Access mechanisms
- Tracking data usage
- Handling sensitive data
- Rights
Preservation strategies
- What archives are out there?
- Agency requirements
- Discipline archives
- Finding an archive
- What to do if there is no archive out there
- What data goes into a Long-term archive? - Ron Weaver (5:44)
- What do long term archives do with my data? - Ken Casey
- Intro to the OAIS Reference Model
- Emerging standards for preservation
- Metadata - Bob Cook (4:33)
For Data Managers
- Data Management plan support
- Collection or acquisition policies
- Intro to OAIS reference model
- Initial Assessment and appraisal
- Identify information to be preserved
- main features and properties
- dependencies on information here or elsewhere
- Identify objects to be received
- Establish complementary information needs (e.g., format, data descriptions, provenance, reference information, context, fixity information)
- What complementary information is needed for data useful for climate studies (USGCRP list)
- Assessing potential designated communities
- Assessing probable curation duration
- Assessing data transfer options
- Defining access paths
- Assessing costs and feasibility
- Metadata, metadata standards, and levels of metadata
- Identify information to be preserved
- Submission agreements
- Preparing for ingest
- Ingesting data
- Validation checks
- Identifiers
- Citations
- Levels of service
- Periodic re-assessment
- Curation activities
- Media migration
- Format migration