Standards Implementation Virtual Workshops
A series of "virtual workshops" are being organized in order to help the air quality community establish best practices and conventions for implementing data format and exchange standards (e.g., netCDF-CF and OGC WCS)in order to advance the level of interoperability among air quality information systems and projects.
The objectives of the virtual workshops are to
- publish and expose existing services from multiple providers,
- compare standards implementations, explore differences, address challenges and reconcile differences in implementations
- agree on 'AQ Community' conventions and define guidance that harmonize the implementation of standards-based services
The concept of the virtual workshops is to foster interaction among the air quality community through semi-formal workshops that take advantage of remote meeting technologies and allow productive exchanges among the participants while residing in distributed physical locations.
Virtual Workshop 1
March 5, 2010
Data being served
Data formats used
Types of web services implemented
- REST services: xml, csv, kml, json, netCDF
- OGC WCS for point data, returns AQI surrogate data
- OGC WCS for point, time-point, and grid
Access to web services
include access points such as GetCapabilities or example data access requests (e.g., GetCoverage)
Issues and questions
- web services require authentication (using API key)
- payload options and formats (netCDF is evolving)
- need to make things uniform