AQ Work Group Telecons

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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February 20, 2009 Telecon

1:30pm EST
Phone: 866-489-0573;
Meeting Code: *2279431*

Topics (feel free to add your ideas):

  • AQ Workgroup Budget
    • ESIP Finance Committee approved $13K budget ($10K for priority items, $3K for travel)
    • Original Budget Request
    • Should we focus $10K on the GEOSS Community Catalog and Portal efforts?
  • Catalog Work
  • Portal Work
  • Summer Meeting
    • Water WG in AIP Phase III
    • Technology Showcase
  • Stresa Meeting attendees
    • Is there anyone else who should attend?
  • Stresa Meeting preparation
    • Demo and service collection/registration
  • ESIP Summer Meeting
    • Use travel funds to support participation of new groups and to re-engage others
  • Summer Meeting Activities
    • Open Meeting
    • Demo (Technology Showcase)
    • Lessons Learned


  • Carol Meyer
  • Erin Robinson
  • David McCabe
  • Karen Moe
  • Ali Alavi (Morehead State Univ. in Kentucky)
  • Rudy Husar