NSF Air Quality Observatory Proposal

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Links to: Air Quality Cluster > AQO Proposal Main Page > Proposal | Proposal Discussion| NSF Solicitation | NSF Solicitation Discussion | People

This wiki website is devoted to the preparation for a proposal 'Air Quality Observatory (AQO) Prototype', NSF solicitation: Cyberinfrastructure for Environmental Observatories.

This is an experiment in open collaborative proposal writing, since any content can be freely added, edited or commented. To participate in this collaboration first create an account by clicking "create account" in right hand corner of this page. If you choose to participate it is requested that you sign the People page. The moderator will be happy to help, including message transfer from email to the wiki.

AQ Observatory Proposal

  1. Project Summary
  2. Project Description
    1. Background
    2. Background
    3. Background
  3. References Cited
  4. Biographical Sketches
  5. Collaborators, Other Personnel


NSF Solicitation

  1. Environmental Observatories
  2. Example Challenges
  3. Additional NSF Guidance
  4. NSF Requirements



Jan 12,06: Contact team
Jan 16,06: Proposal wiki ready
Jan 20,06: Draft; collaborators
Jan 23,06: Budgets, boilerplate
Jan 25,06: Due date

To Do

Contact team