AQ Work Group Telecons

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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August 8, 2008 Telecon

1:30pm EST
Phone: 866-489-0573;
Meeting Code: *2279431*

Topics (feel free to add your ideas):

  • AQ Cluster FY09 Budget
    • Submit budget to ESIP Finance & Approporations Committee by Aug 15
    • Possible items
      • co-development of GEOSS AQ Portal
      • travel to GEO Summit in November to introduce and report on the GEOSS AQ Committee of Practice
  • Cluster contribution to OGC GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot
    • Community components (portal, catalog, dataspaces)
    • Liaison, tech support for assisting organizations and projects in connecting with GEOSS architecture
      • AQ network interoperability grants
  • AQ Cluster as GEOSS Community of Practice
  • AQ ontology derived from building an AQ network