Sustainable Data Management/20161014 telcon notes

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

To connect

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    • Access Code: 618-011-013


  1. summaries/progress from the three subgroups, if any:
    1. ROI
    2. Landscape
    3. CTV
  1. Potential additional workshops to advance objectives
    1. with 2015 funding for travel
  1. ESIP Winter meeting:
    1. who is planning to attend
    2. are there 2-hr sessions which would help set up the agendas for in-person workshops?
    3. session proposals due October 31


Margaret O'Brien (organizer), Anne WIlson, Philip Tarrant, Bob Downs, Shelley Stall, Paul Lemieux

Regrets - Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Cyndy Parr, Corinna Gries


summaries/progress from the three subgroups, if any

ROI: (from Nancy) ROI discussion planned for 10/27 10:30 PDT, to discuss EDI (Corinna, LPI) in the context of the JIST criteria for eval.

Landscape: From Shelly: re3data isinterested in holding info about curation practices at repositories. CDF is starting to collect that sort of metadata as well. She will forward some info to this group, Contact at re3data is Michael Witt

Potential additional workshops to advance objectives

The same project that funded the 2015 Tempe workshop has funds for follow up meetings. (participant support only). The areas that are most likely to benefet from this are the ROI and CTV groups.

Propose that a small group interested in characterising ROI more fully meet for a working session. Exact activities can be finalized at the next call (Nov or over email.Come up with metrics for measuring roi.

Some might be easy,

Bob: prioritize available techniques. Eval-lite for when you don’t have much funding.

ESIP Winter meeting

Action items