AQ Work Group Telecons

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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November 14, 2008 Telecon

1:30pm EST
Phone: 866-489-0573;
Meeting Code: *2279431*

Topics (feel free to add your ideas):

  • Transitioning from an ESIP Cluster to an ESIP Working Group
    • ESIP Executive Committee considering change
    • Exact process still needs to be defined
    • Would include bi-annual working group reporting to ESIP ExCom
  • ESIP Winter Meeting
    • AIP presentation
  • ESIP booth at EPA OEI Symposium
    • Opportunity to include demos
  • Anyone attending the GEOSS meetings in Valencia next month?
  • GEO-V Plenary meeting in Bucharest
    • An air quality side meeting - led by Phil Dickerson and David McCabe
    • Cultivation of international relationships
    • Goal: networking and communication of air quality activities
    • How to foster the networking and connections for expanding participation in AIP and GEOSS
    • OMI is a good example of dataset with both European and US contributions
    • Show AIP as an examplar of how to do distributed data sharing and networking
    • 9AM Thursday


  • Carol Meyer
  • Frank Lindsay
  • David McCabe
  • Erin Robinson
  • Brand Niemann
  • Rudy Husar
  • Barry Herchenroder