
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Revision as of 01:45, October 24, 2007 by Rhusar (talk | contribs) (→‎Blogs)

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071022SoCalSmoke: 071022 Southern California Smoke

Description: The drought and strong Santa Ana winds created a "perfect fire/smoke" situation over S. Califirnia

Type: N/A | Smoke | Location:Southern California | Dates: {{{StartDate}}}"{{{StartDate}}}" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation. - "" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation. | Lat: 30, 38 | Lon: -130, -110


Interested in the California Smoke Event? Please join us in harvesting web resources!
Please tag resources in Del.icio.us, Flickr, blogs, YouTube, etc with the tag 071022SoCalSmoke
Note: The goal is to collect web resources on smoke, not on the fire
Ideas, comments, questions? Contact rhusar@me.wsutl.edu

Science-Orineted Websites

Near Real time Data Console


Console Explanation will follow

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DataFed Datasets - Needs pruning

<ask limit="500">+

  • "*" is not in the list (Image, SeqImage, Cube, TRAJ, GRID, POINT, No DataType) of allowed values for the "DataType" property.*"*" is not in the list (FilterSmp, RemoteSens, ContSens, Point, Model, Network, Unknown, No Method) of allowed values for the "SampleMethod" property.</ask>

Other Dataset Links

<feed url="http://del.icio.us/rss/tag/071022SoCalSmoke+Dataset"> [{PERMALINK} {TITLE}] {DATE}, by {AUTHOR} </feed>

Smoke Analyses Here

  • links to datasets to be added here

Science Web Pages

<feed url="http://del.icio.us/rss/tag/071022SoCalSmoke+Science"> [{PERMALINK} {TITLE}] {DATE}, by {AUTHOR} </feed>

Web Harvesting for 'California Smoke'

YouTube Videos

List of selected videos from YouTube.

Google Searches

  • Google News Search: California Fire Smoke
  • Google Image Search: California Fire Smoke
  • Google Web Search: California Fire Smoke


Technorati Blog Entries: California Smoke Fire
Technorati Chart
Get your own chart!

  • Google Blog Search: California Fire Smoke

<feed url="http://del.icio.us/rss/tag/071022SoCalSmoke+blog"> [{PERMALINK}]| {TITLE}] {DATE}, by {AUTHOR} </feed>

Flickr Images

  • Flickr Images: California Smoke, after Oct 22, 2007