Draft Excom Minutes

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Revision as of 21:16, June 15, 2014 by Wiegand (talk | contribs)


Peter Fox, Sara Graves, Bruce Caron, Tyler Stevens, Ken Keiser, Christine White, Emily Law, Curt Tilmes, Bill Teng, Ruth Duerr, Margaret Mooney, Chuck Hutchinson, Erin Robinson

May Minutes

  1. Approval of April Minutes
    Sara Graves motioned to accept the minutes as presented and Christine White seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by acclamation.
  2. Products and Services - Testbed awards
    Christine White reported that there were 6 applications submitted to the Testbed RFP. The Testbed Configuration Board reviewed them and funded three of the proposals at $6500 each. The funded projects include:
    • ESIP Ontology Portal
    • ToolMatch - RPI/Knowledge Motif
    • EarthCube Prototype Catalog - WHOI
  3. President's Report - Peter Fox
    Executive Director Search Update - Peter reported that the Foundation for Earth Science Executive Director Search work group has a near final job description draft and the job announcement should be posted in the next week.
    Climate Data Initiative Follow-up - Peter heard that the representation of ESIP and the Foundation and the CDI launch was very well-received.
  4. Staff Report - Erin Robinson
    • Summer Meeting Updates - Erin reported that the Summer Meeting planning is going well. The agenda, registration and 1-pager are below. We have two confirmed plenary speakers - Yolanda Gil, USC and Dan Katz, NSF. There is a track of sessions related to the theme in grey. We are working with Yolanda Gil on enhancing the meeting as it's related to the theme and evaluating the effectiveness of the intervention.
    • Website update - Erin reported that Monday the re-themed ESIP websites launched on the esipfed.org/testbed.esipfed.org and commons.esipfed.org. The wiki will be updated in June with the same theme.
  5. Committee Reports
    • Strategic Plan - State of Federation Wiki page for comments Emily Law reported on the Strategic Plan.
      • Background In 2004, ESIP's first strategic plan reflected the evolving role that the ESIP Federation sought to play in the ensuing years, reflecting the broadening of the ESIP Federation’s base from its original core to its then 75 partners. In 2009, the 2nd strategic plan recognized that the ESIP Federation was uniquely positioned to respond to the growing need for information to solve the Earth’s pressing environmental problems and the public’s interest in making better use of science information. In 2011, the ESIP Federation leadership did a mid-course review and at that time fleshed out additional priorities for the Federation. We are now at the end of the 2009-2013 planning period and in the position to carry forward some of the activities, but also think about the opportunities that face us and how to grow and evolve ESIP.
      • State of Federation The first step of the 2014 Strategic plan was to review the State of the Federation. Erin prepared a document that aligned the funded work with the 2009 Strategic Plan goals and the 2011 Vision Pillars to highlight major accomplishments and areas that there were gaps.
      • Next Steps We will survey the ESIP assembly (piggy backing on the upcoming partner election) on the current strategic goals and vision pillars to identify if these are suitable to carry forward or if we need to evolve them. Based on their feedback we will use the summer meeting to gather input tactics to reach the goals. The Strategic plan group will then synthesize the results for a draft 2015-2020 plan and evolve that to present for adoption at the 2015 Winter Meeting.
    • C&B - Nomination Committee update
      • Bruce reported that the C&B & tiger team drafted the bylaw addition, discussed on the wiki and then had a telecon to finalize the work. The bylaw language only creates the committee, the process will be defined in policy document. The ESIP assembly will vote on this electronically.
    • Data Stewardship
      • Ruth reported on the current papers in progress and the data citation work. The group has three papers in progress - (1) editorial submitted to Science that is now going to Nature (2) Dlib paper to alert librarians to activities in other parts of the communities (3) Eos article on provenance context work. Ruth has participated in the Force11 Data Citation Implementation work group. They are not able to link a logo to our citation guidelines.
    • Education
      • Erin reported that the Education committee submitted a testbed proposal to connect ESIP data/technologist with k-12 teachers. This wasn't funded, but will be considered through alternate mechanism.
      • Margaret reported that she is planning an education session at the Summer Meeting. It will be a 90 min session where all former teacher workshop participants are invited. It will feature presentations from NASA, NOAA and CIMSS
    • Finance - Funding criteria
      • Bill reported that the Finance Committee decided to create an alternate funding mechanism instead of reworking the definition of clusters. The special projects was modeled after the Testbed RFP. The group will finalize this month and bring it back for a vote in June.
    • Partnership - Welcome Packet & Draft Criteria for Membership
      • Tyler reported that we have 6 new member applications up for review and reminded the group to review. Over the past month the committee has worked on a welcome packet and drafted a set of criteria for membership.
    • IT & I
      • Erin reported that the May Rant/Rave was from Doug Fils at Consortium for Ocean Leadership on their use of schema.org. The IT&I committee is also planning a technical showcase of testbed projects and USGS CDI projects during the workshop day of the summer meeting.
    • Type Rep Reports
      • Sara Graves reported that she has been working on the connection between Type I data facilities and the Council for Data Facilities.
      • Nothing to report from Ken Keiser or Margaret Mooney, the Type II and Type III reps.
  6. Other Business
    • Winter Meeting Theme and opportunity
      • Erin reported that the Winter Meeting dates are set - Jan 6-8, 2015 at the Renaissance Dupont Circle. In recent conversations and activities, it seems like a theme around agriculture and climate may be strategic. The group did not identify any immediate red flags. Visioneers will convene in June to discuss this potential theme.

The meeting adjourned at 4:08.


  • Action: Christine will send the group the testbed project spreadsheet.
  • Action: Ruth will draw up a resolution for discussion and then adoption by assembly.
  • Action: Erin will include this in the next Monday Update for 30 days of review/comment from ESIP.

June Minutes

  1. Approval of May Minutes
    No quorum. Minutes will be approved electronically.
  2. President's Report - Peter Fox
    Press release has been prepared to go with the data study committee report. This is a follow-up from the sustainable workshop that ESIP held in January. This is the report and press release coming out of that meeting.

ACTION: Erin will send the press release to EC for comment.

    • Peter will be putting out a “State of the Federation” report in preparation for the summer meeting. He would like thoughts about this regarding what you consider newsworthy to include.
    • We may be able to get administrative support and will have updates when more concrete information is available.
    • EC Director search: Erin sent email about the job description and advertisement; this should be considered draft. ExCom and Foundation Board should provide input quickly. We need to get these finalized ASAP. Bruce pointed out that meeting planning was not included in the job description, and that is a large part of the job. Additionally, having knowledge of social media outreach should be added.
  1. Staff Report - Erin Robinson
    • Summer meeting is coming together beautifully; 214 people already registered and only 6 are remote. (For reference, last winter meeting had 225 total). The agenda is set and it has been publicized. Thanks to Chuck we have our keynote and plenary speakers (list them here). We will probably have four lightening talks on … Leading up, we will have ESIP ?? . And then we have two boot camps: (name them). If you still need housing, they have released a small block of rooms at a bit higher rate, but still reasonable.
    • Cheryl Levey has joined the staff as a part-time assistant to Erin. She previously worked with Paul Uhlir in BRDI and has had extensive experience the past 25 years in planning meetings, facilitating and putting out communications, and providing support work for data-intensive groups like ours.
  2. Committee Reports
    • Strategic Plan - Emily Law reported that the strategic plan for 2015-2020 are based on goals established on the 2009 Plan and vision. Requests for input including new and additional goals is open until June 19. So far we have received over 40 responses. The majority said to carry forward with the eight goals as presented, but there were a few suggestions for modifications. Once the poll is closed, we will post the results online and plan to synthesize the input during this month and share the results during the Thursday town hall at the summer meeting. We will put the set of goals on flip charts and collect ideas on those goals. We will need help to synthesize the data and produce the preliminary goals. Once the poll is closed, Emily will do a Google doc to summarize and invite all to review and comment. A working group to help with this and an EC telecon before the summer meeting to summarize to have a solid set of goals ready would be good. Consider the type representatives (Margaret, Ken, and Sarah). They are good representatives for coordinating other inputs and maybe they can get others to help too. Erin noted that she and possibly Cheryl could help with this activity. ACTION: Erin to book a meeting for this on the afternoon of the first day (Tueday).
    • C&B - Nomination Committee update
      • Bruce reported that the C&B & tiger team drafted the bylaw addition, discussed on the wiki and then had a telecon to finalize the work. The bylaw language only creates the committee, the process will be defined in policy document. The ESIP assembly will vote on this electronically.
    • Data Stewardship
      • Ruth reported on the current papers in progress and the data citation work. The group has three papers in progress - (1) editorial submitted to Science that is now going to Nature (2) Dlib paper to alert librarians to activities in other parts of the communities (3) Eos article on provenance context work. Ruth has participated in the Force11 Data Citation Implementation work group. They are not able to link a logo to our citation guidelines.
    • Education
      • Erin reported that the Education committee submitted a testbed proposal to connect ESIP data/technologist with k-12 teachers. This wasn't funded, but will be considered through alternate mechanism.
      • Margaret reported that she is planning an education session at the Summer Meeting. It will be a 90 min session where all former teacher workshop participants are invited. It will feature presentations from NASA, NOAA and CIMSS
    • Finance - Funding criteria
      • Bill reported that the Finance Committee decided to create an alternate funding mechanism instead of reworking the definition of clusters. The special projects was modeled after the Testbed RFP. The group will finalize this month and bring it back for a vote in June.
    • Partnership - Welcome Packet & Draft Criteria for Membership
      • Tyler reported that we have 6 new member applications up for review and reminded the group to review. Over the past month the committee has worked on a welcome packet and drafted a set of criteria for membership.
    • IT & I
      • Erin reported that the May Rant/Rave was from Doug Fils at Consortium for Ocean Leadership on their use of schema.org. The IT&I committee is also planning a technical showcase of testbed projects and USGS CDI projects during the workshop day of the summer meeting.
    • Type Rep Reports
      • Sara Graves reported that she has been working on the connection between Type I data facilities and the Council for Data Facilities.
      • Nothing to report from Ken Keiser or Margaret Mooney, the Type II and Type III reps.
  3. Other Business
    • Winter Meeting Theme and opportunity
      • Erin reported that the Winter Meeting dates are set - Jan 6-8, 2015 at the Renaissance Dupont Circle. In recent conversations and activities, it seems like a theme around agriculture and climate may be strategic. The group did not identify any immediate red flags. Visioneers will convene in June to discuss this potential theme.

The meeting adjourned at 4:08.


  • Action: Christine will send the group the testbed project spreadsheet.
  • Action: Ruth will draw up a resolution for discussion and then adoption by assembly.
  • Action: Erin will include this in the next Monday Update for 30 days of review/comment from ESIP.