Welcome to the ESIP Geospatial Cluster
The ESIP Geospatial cluster is a forum for organizations and individuals involved in anything related to geospatial data and information. We seek to foster and build technical and interpersonal connections between and among geospatial data providers and data users by leveraging existing projects and resources to collaboratively advance improved access to geospatial data.
This goal will be achieved by convening individuals engaged in geospatial data research and development, identifying best practices and data management techniques that improve interoperability and data access. Projects will be developed collaboratively to respond to real-world environmental science needs for geospatial data integration.
Please participate at any level you would like in any of our activities. Register in the ESIP wiki and click on the "watch" tab to be notified of ongoing events.
Events and Activities
- Past Events:
- July 23-27 - ESRI International User's Conference - San Diego, CA
- July 22-27 - IGARRS 2012 - Munich, Germany
- July 17-20 - ESIP Summer Meeting - Madison, WI
- April 17-19 - HDF & HDF-EOS Workshop XV - Riverdale, MD
- March 19-23 - ASPRS 2012 Annual Conference - Sacramento, CA
- February 24-28, 2012 - AAG Annual Meeting - New York, NY
- February 22-24, 2012 - ESRI Federal User's Conference - Washington, DC
- January 23, 2012: Geospatial Cluster January 2012 Telecon
- January 4, 2012: ESIP 2012 Winter Meeting Breakout Sessions:
- Address Deficiencies in GIS for Remote Sensing Data
- Formats and Standards (HDF, NetCDF, etc)
- Open source (tools, etc)
- Interfaces/Connectivity (such as OPeNDAP, WCS, WMS)
- Development of Use Cases
- Special topic speakers/presentations
- GIS Problems when Projection and Datum Spheroids are Different (as they are in all MODIS Land products) - abstract
Active Collaborations
Get Involved
Email List: ESIP-Geospatial
- Approximately every third Monday at 3:00PM Eastern;
- Phone: 877-668-4493;
- Meeting Code: *23138379*
- Tommy Jasmin, SSEC, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Vice Chairs: