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From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
(Added the Ramapriyan et al. (2017) paper)
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<big><center>'''Welcome to the ESIP Information Quality Cluster'''</center></big>
<big><center>'''Welcome to the ESIP Information Quality Cluster'''</center></big>
<center>Cluster Chair: [https://science.gsfc.nasa.gov/sci/bio/zhong.liu-1 Zhong Liu] </center>
<center>Co-Chairs: [https://wiki.esipfed.org/User:Downs Robert R. Downs], [[User:GePeng|Ge Peng]], Yaxing Wei, and [https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2994-557X David Moroni]</center>
<center>Former Chair: [[User: Ramapriyan|H. K. "Rama" Ramapriyan]]</center>
<center>Community Fellow: N/A</center>
This wikispace will be taking shape in the coming months to describe activities within the ESIP Federation related to Information Quality.
'''Vision''': Become internationally recognized as an authoritative and responsive resource of information and guidance to data providers on how best to implement data quality standards and best practices for their science data systems, datasets, and data/metadata dissemination services.
*Bring together people from various disciplines to assess aspects of quality of Earth science data and information
*Establish and publish baseline of standards and best practices for dataset quality for adoption by inter-agency and international data providers
*Build framework for consistent capture, harmonization, and presentation of dataset quality for the purposes of climate change studies, Earth science and applications  <br>
NOTE: The efforts and goals of this cluster are motivated by the participants of the cluster, so new ideas and participants are always welcome.
'''Strategic Plan [2016]''': [[2016IQCPlan]] <br><br>
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===Events and Activities===
===Events and Activities===
Regular monthly telecons will be will be established soon.  
* 2024-07-26: ESIP July Meeting session: "''[https://2024julyesipmeeting.sched.com/event/1eVN7/mt-mitchell-evolving-information-quality-for-earth-sciences-new-challenges-and-opportunities Evolving Information Quality For Earth Sciences: New Challenges and Opportunities]''"
* 2024-01-26: ESIP January Meeting session: "''[https://2024januaryesipmeeting.sched.com/event/1XYQj/embracing-data-quality-for-ai-ready-open-data Embracing Data Quality for AI-ready Open Data]''"
* 2023-07-18: ESIP July Meeting session: "''[https://2023julyesipmeeting.sched.com/event/1NocC/information-quality-for-open-science-across-disciplines Information Quality for Open Science across Disciplines]''"
* 2023-01-24: ESIP Winter Meeting session: "''[https://2023januaryesipmeeting.sched.com/event/1EwXB/open-science-and-information-quality-across-esip Open Science and Information Quality across ESIP]''"
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* 2022-07-19: ESIP Summer Meeting session: "''[https://2022esipjulymeeting.sched.com/event/12esp Towards A Community Guide for FAIR Digital Earth Science Data and Quality Information – Approaches and Practices Promoting Trustworthy FAIR Data and Repositories]''"
* 2022-06-23: SciDataCon 2022 session: "''[https://www.scidatacon.org/IDW-2022/sessions/431/ Enhancing Research Transparency and Trustworthiness by Making Dataset Quality Information Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR)]''"
* 2022-06-22: RDA 19th Plenary session: "[https://www.rd-alliance.org/defining-managing-and-reporting-dataset-quality-multidisciplinary-open-data-space ''Defining, managing, and reporting dataset quality in a multidisciplinary Open Data space'']"
* 2022-03-31: Peer-review paper "''[https://datascience.codata.org/articles/10.5334/dsj-2022-008/ Global Community Guidelines for Documenting, Sharing, and Reusing Quality Information of Individual Digital Datasets]''" published in the Data Science Journal, led by IQC co-chairs.
* 2022-01-20: ESIP Winter Meeting session: "[https://2022esipjanuarymeeting.sched.com/event/5974d96a95188ea2c9c8dbcedcb2d045 ''Enhancing the Guidelines for Sharing and reusing dataset quality information'']"
*2021-11-03: RDA 18th Plenary session: "''[https://www.rd-alliance.org/representing-and-communicating-data-quality-information Representing and Communicating Data Quality Information]''"
*2021-10-19: SciDataCon session: "''[https://www.scidatacon.org/virtual-2021/sessions/285/ The State of Documenting and Reporting Data and Information Quality for Supporting Open Science]''"
*2021-10-01: White paper: "''[https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/xsu4p International Community Guidelines for Sharing and Reusing Quality Information of Individual Earth Science Datasets]''" - the outcome of the international effort led by IQC co-chairs.
*2021-07-22: ESIP Summer Meeting session:"''[https://2021esipsummermeeting.sched.com/event/jMOH/toward-improving-representation-of-data-quality-information Toward Improving Representation of Data Quality Information]''"
*2021-05-05: Peer-review paper "[http://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2021-019 ''Call to Action for Global Access to and Harmonization of Quality Information of Individual Earth Science Datasets'']", an international effort led by IQC co-chair Ge Peng, was published in the Data Science Journal.
*2021-03-31: ESIP IQC had a joint meeting with the Australian/New Zealand Data Quality Interest Group (IG). Presentation recordings can be accessed on [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG25fMbdLRa5uSTRFrzqY7fFQ1LIroKIu Youtube].
*2020-07-13: Virtual Pre-ESIP Workshop. The purpose of this workshop, in a nutshell, is to bring together national and international subject matter experts (SMEs) on dataset quality to kick off the development of community guidelines for consistently curating and representing dataset quality information. [[Pre-ESIP Workshop|Pre-ESIP Workshop: About]].  IQC POC: Ge Peng.
*2020-01-08: ESIP Winter Meeting session - [https://2020esipwintermeeting.sched.com/event/XrhT/citizen-science-data-and-information-quality ''Citizen Science Data and Information Quality'']
*2019-07-16: ESIP Summer Meeting 2019 - [[IQ_Presentation|IQC Breakout Session - Presentations and notes]]
===[[IQC_archive|Pre-2019 Items]]===
Remote sensing data Quality
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*Level 2 Quality flags
*Level 3 "Quality"
*[https://doi.org/10.1080/17538947.2024.2390431 Harmonizing quality measures of FAIRness assessment towards machine-actionable quality information], Peng et al., 2024
*Data Intercomparison issues
*[https://doi.org/10.5067/DOC/ESCO/ESDSWG-0002V1 A Practical Guide for Open, Free & FAIR NASA Earth Science Data Products], Peng et al., 2024
*Known methodologies
*Essay: [https://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-033 The FAIR Assessment Conundrum: Reflections on Tools and Metrics], Candela et al., 2024 
*Identify fit-for-purpose criteria for data quality
*[[IQ Data Management Quality Management Resources Catalog|Data Management Quality Management Resources Catalog]]
*Data quality ontology
*[https://www.earthdata.nasa.gov/esdis/esco/standards-and-references/recommendations-from-the-data-quality-working-group Recommendations from the NASA Data Quality Working Group], 2019
*White paper: [https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.10271450.v1 Understanding the Various Perspectives of Earth Science Observational Data Uncertainty], Moroni et al., 2019
*[https://www.earthobservations.org/documents/dswg/201504_data_management_principles_long_final.pdf GEOSS Data Management Principles]
*[https://www.earthobservations.org/documents/geo_xii/GEO-XII_10_Data%20Management%20Principles%20Implementation%20Guidelines.pdf GEOSS DMP Implementation Guidelines - see DMP-6 on Quality Control]
*[https://doi.org/10.1045/july2017-ramapriyan Ensuring and Improving Information Quality for Earth Science Data and Products], Ramapriyan et al., 2017
*[http://www.geoviqua.org/ GeoViQua - QUAlity aware VIsualization for the Global Earth Observation System of systems]
*[http://www.qa4eo.org/workshop_harwell11.html QA4EO'11 October 2011 agenda and presentations]
*[https://www.rd-alliance.org/groups/assessment-data-fitness-use WDS/RDA Assessment of Data Fitness for Use WG]
*[https://www.rd-alliance.org/wg-wdsrda-assessment-data-fitness-use-rda-10th-plenary-meeting WDS/RDA Assessment of Data Fitness for Use WG - RDA Plenary 10 session]
*[http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/wcp/wcdmp/documents/WCDMPNo60.pdf WMO Guidelines on Climate Data Management (WMO-TD No. 1376) (2007)]
*[https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/19f3/255f143b7e611731cca13ab5fccb33e03708.pdf A methodology for information quality assessment - containing an excellent summary of research on multi-dimensions of information quality]
*[http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/P%26S_Data_Quality Products and Services Data Quality] - discussion from 2006; dormant web site
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===Meeting Notes===
*Notes from IQC telecons can be found [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T4wEmY48qpP7cDrbqV7tppkZ3q0GGkJNz_glvu4C2RI/edit here]
*[[IQ_Presentations|Presentations from IQC monthly telecons]]
*[[Agency Policies on Information Quality| Agency Policies on Information Quality]]
*[[IQ_Papers|IQ Papers]]
*[[IQ_Presentations|IQ Presentations]]
*[[IQ_Standards|IQ Standards]]
*[[IQ_Webpages|IQ Webpages]]
*[[:Category:Information Quality|Wiki Pages]]
*[[Technical Topics|Technical Topics]]
*[[Community needs| Communities]]
* Slides (Web Data Provenance for Quality Assessment [http://www.slideshare.net/olafhartig/using-web-data-provenance-for-quality-assessment]
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* [[Media: AmbiguityOfQuality v2.ppt| Fall AGU 2010 Ambiguity of Quality by Lynnes ppt]]
* [[Media: A21J-03_Leptoukh.ppt| Fall AGU 2010 Level 3 data quality by Leptoukh ppt]]
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===Get Involved===
===Get Involved===
The Information Quality Cluster will be developing a listserv and have regular monthly telecons. 
=== Get Involved===
* '''Email List:'''  [http://rtpnet.org/mailman/listinfo/esip-federatedsearch Subscribe]
*'''Email List:'''  [http://lists.esipfed.org/mailman/listinfo/Esip-infoquality Subscribe]
* '''Email archive:'''  http://rtpnet.org/pipermail/esip-federatedsearch/
*'''Email archive:'''  [http://lists.esipfed.org/pipermail/esip-infoquality/ Archives]
* '''Contact Cluster Coordinator:''' [[User:leptoukh|Gregory Leptoukh]]
The Information Quality Cluster has once-a-month telecons.
''Acknowledgment'':  This wiki format and structure was shamelessly stolen--make that "reused"--from the Semantic Web Cluster.
The chair of the Cluster is Gregory Leptoukh
*'''Telecons: [[IQ telecons|Regular telecon agenda and notes]]'''
*Monthly Telecon Dates and Times, 4th Tues./Month at 2 PM ET/11 AM PT
*To join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, click:
*You can also dial in using your phone.
*One tap mobile:
**+13017158592,,89140578368# United States (Washington, DC)
**+13126266799,,89140578368# United States (Chicago)
*Dial by Location (United States Area Code):
**Washington, DC: +1(301)715-8592
**Chicago: +1(312)626-6799
**New York: +1(929)205-6099
**San Jose: +1(669)900-6833
**Tacoma: +1(253)215-8782
*Access Code: 744012
*'''Cluster Coordinators:''' Zhong Liu (chair), Yaxing Wei, Bob Downs, David Moroni, Ge Peng, and H. K. "Rama" Ramapriyan
[[Category:Information Quality]]
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Latest revision as of 07:48, September 7, 2024

Information Quality

Welcome to the ESIP Information Quality Cluster
Cluster Chair: Zhong Liu
Co-Chairs: Robert R. Downs, Ge Peng, Yaxing Wei, and David Moroni
Former Chair: H. K. "Rama" Ramapriyan
Community Fellow: N/A

Vision: Become internationally recognized as an authoritative and responsive resource of information and guidance to data providers on how best to implement data quality standards and best practices for their science data systems, datasets, and data/metadata dissemination services.


  • Bring together people from various disciplines to assess aspects of quality of Earth science data and information
  • Establish and publish baseline of standards and best practices for dataset quality for adoption by inter-agency and international data providers
  • Build framework for consistent capture, harmonization, and presentation of dataset quality for the purposes of climate change studies, Earth science and applications

NOTE: The efforts and goals of this cluster are motivated by the participants of the cluster, so new ideas and participants are always welcome.

Strategic Plan [2016]: 2016IQCPlan

Events and Activities






  • 2020-07-13: Virtual Pre-ESIP Workshop. The purpose of this workshop, in a nutshell, is to bring together national and international subject matter experts (SMEs) on dataset quality to kick off the development of community guidelines for consistently curating and representing dataset quality information. Pre-ESIP Workshop: About. IQC POC: Ge Peng.
  • 2020-01-08: ESIP Winter Meeting session - Citizen Science Data and Information Quality


Pre-2019 Items


Meeting Notes



Get Involved

The Information Quality Cluster has once-a-month telecons.

  • You can also dial in using your phone.
  • One tap mobile:
    • +13017158592,,89140578368# United States (Washington, DC)
    • +13126266799,,89140578368# United States (Chicago)
  • Dial by Location (United States Area Code):
    • Washington, DC: +1(301)715-8592
    • Chicago: +1(312)626-6799
    • New York: +1(929)205-6099
    • Houston: +1(346)248-7799
    • San Jose: +1(669)900-6833
    • Tacoma: +1(253)215-8782
  • Access Code: 744012
  • Cluster Coordinators: Zhong Liu (chair), Yaxing Wei, Bob Downs, David Moroni, Ge Peng, and H. K. "Rama" Ramapriyan
