What is the Air Quality Cluster?
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
We summarized the Cluster's History
The AQ Cluster discussed two general topics to define its future activities:
- Should the Cluster serve as a GEOSS Community of Practice?
- We decided to request formal GEOSS Community of Practice for Air Quality from the GEO User Interface Committee
- We will draft a charter to define its objectives and to help new participants engage in the Cluster
- Should the Cluster respond the the OGC GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot?
- We could contribute to the "community" components (catalogs, portals, dataspaces)
- We need to clarify our potential role (e.g., how much development is involved, can we do it in the short time period of the Pilot?)
- An outline will drafted to define a ESIP Cluster response to the Pilot's Call For Proposal and circulate among the Cluster for feedback and to determine whether and how to move forward.