Water Cluster Activities

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

The Water Cluster will focus on a series of activities that lead it toward a coordination of many disparate technical activities across the domain. One area of interest is in semantics. Toward that end, the meeting's breakout sessions will allow for a range of presentations, discussions and demonstrations around the topic of semantics. The list below is presented as a strawman and is open to comment and editing by members of the water cluster community.

Discussion Topics

January 5

  • Tuesday"s Water Cluster sessions will provide presentations on four areas of the water information domain: use cases for integrated information for decision support (EPA); integration and data display tools in use or development (Microsoft, ESRI, JMU, Hydroseek); semantic architecture and its attributes as a stable platform (Luis Bermudez); ontology management, examining leading ontologies (Peter Fox).
  • Data Integration and Display Tools (Phil Yang, others)
  • Semantic Architecture (Luis Bermudez)
  • Ontology Management (Peter Fox)
  • USEPA Water Use Case (Charles Spooner)

January 6

  • The Wednesday session will take the knowledge gained through the presentations and use it to discuss and determine the best attributes of all components of water Informatics for a proof of concept project to be organized through 2010.
  • Proof of Concept discussion

January 7

  • Joint Session with Environmental Decision Making Breakout
  • Wrap-up Discussion


  • Develop a series of projects to demonstrate approaches that provide:
  • stable curated technologies
  • semantic architechture
  • data integration tools.
  • These approaches will:
  • allow for rapid evolution in the field
  • be responsive to real environemntal science and policy needs
  • be developed collaboratively

Poster Session

During the ESIP Federation Winter 2010 meeting, there will be a poster session on the evening of January 5. The posters will be divided up into 2 categories - those posters dealing with environmental decision making and those that do not. Since the Water Cluster ultimately exists to improve the access to and use of water data and information, water-related posters will fall under the former category. Since the Water Cluster plans a significant presence at the meeting, we invite you to contribute a poster. Poster guidelines can be found here. In addition, there will be a limited number of monitors available during the poster session for attendees to offer demos. Monitors are available on a first-reserved basis and are limited.

To participate in the poster session with a water-related presentation, please register for the meeting and submit your abstract. In addition, please add your name below and indicate whether you are presenting a poster, demo or both and your poster/demo title.

Poster Presentations

:*Name, Poster Title, (Poster, Demo, Both)

Bermudez, Luis. The MMI Earth Sciences Semantic Framework PDF at MMI