Usability Cluster Presentations
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
February 7, 2018
- University of Tennessee’s User-eXperience Lab (UXL) (Media:UXL ESIP.pdf)
- Rachel Volentine
February 1, 2017
- Wireframes, Mockups, and Prototypes (Media:Wireframes Mockups Prototypes.pdf)
- Madison Langseth, USGS
January 11th, 2016: ESIP Winter Meeting
- Demonstration of Selected Usability Evaluation Techniques for Data Repositories' Interfaces/Services - using Cognitive Walkthrough as the Technique and Data Management Training Clearinghouse as the Use Case (Media:ESIP WinterMeeting UsabilitySession 2017.pdf)
- Sophie Hou, National Center for Atmospheric Research
December 7th, 2016
- Eye Tracking and Heat Mapping (Media:EyeTracking HeatMapping.pdf)
- Sophie Hou, National Center for Atmospheric Research
November 2nd, 2016
- Heuristic Evaluation and Cognitive Walkthrough (Media:HeuristicEvaluation_CognitiveWalkthrough.pdf)
- Sophie Hou, National Center for Atmospheric Research
- Sciencebase Data Release Landing Pages Usability Study Part 2 of 2(Media:SB Landing pages usability testing results analysis.pdf)
- Madison Langseth, USGS
October 5th, 2016
- Brief Introduction of Usability and Usability Testing (Media:Introduction_Usability.pdf)
- Sophie Hou, National Center for Atmospheric Research
- Establishing Usability Benchmark (Media:ESIP Usability Benchmarking.pdf)
- Ward Fleri, La Jolla Institute
- Sciencebase Data Release Landing Pages Usability Study Part 1 of 2 (Media:SB Landing pages usability testing setup.pdf)
- Madison Langseth, USGS