The EMEP monitoring strategy 2004-2009

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Doc #: 6 Title: The EMEP monitoring strategy 2004-2009 | Document Link
Organization/Author: NILU
Type: "Regional Report" is not in the list (Report, Workshop, Paper, Website, Presentation, Legislation, Other) of allowed values for the "DocType" property.Regional Report
Year: 2003
Region: Europe
Observation Type:
Observation Needs:
Document Status: Submitted, 2009/04/30
Parameters: Pm10, PM2.5, O3, Nox, So2, Cl-1, NH3, VOC

Description of Document: EMEP stategy, , emission data measurement, air quality monitoring, air chemistry modeling, integrated assessment modeling


  • For all params monitoring is less tahn satisfactory in the Mediterranean and in Eastern Europe. For Central, Western Northern Europe the situation is better but still needs PM, POPs and VOCs


  • Useful to have monitoring sites in N. Africa, Eastern Mediterranean region - covering areas not in Europe boundaries.
  • Need multi-purpose monitoring sites
  • Need monitoring in rural and background areas as well as urban

Satellites: EMEP has to contribute to the development of satellite and other remote sensing observations by providing surface based measurements, and by this contribute to the European part of “Global Monitoring for Environment and Security” (GMES), Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS) or other activities now being established. Space-borne sensors add information about key parameters and with wide spatial coverage. Individual observing systems are in general incomplete and insufficient, while the combination of ground-based and space-borne observations improves the observation of the chemical composition at the regional scale. Satellite observations further provides a connection between the various surface sites and provide information on spatial variability for network data interpretation. Auxiliary data as provided by the networks and models increase the value of the retrieved parameters substantially, and continuous ground-truth efforts will allow assessing the quality of the satellite data products.

Remote sensing from satellites needs to become an integral part of the observations where the ground-based network provides surface and vertical profile data for the calibration and validation of remote-sensing instruments. Only by doing this can new challenges such as “global change”, “earth systems” and biogeochemical cycles (fluxes between air, water and soil) be addressed properly and cost-effectively.