Talk:GEOSS Workshop on Air Quality and Coastal Ecosystems, IGARSS 08
GEOSS Workshop on Air Quality and Coastal Ecosystems -- DArctur 20:39, 24 April 2008 (EDT)
Rudy, Our paths have surely crossed at some time, probably through OGC. I'm helping organize a GEOSS education/outreach workshop on Air Quality and Coastal Ecosystems, to be held Sunday July 6 in conjunction with the IGARSS conference in Boston the following week. Here is the current flyer, description and DRAFT agenda. You may have seen these in a recent esipfed-all email post from Carol. Would you mind posting these to the AQ Cluster, and anywhere else on ESIP Fed's website that makes sense?
Btw, you'll see your name listed as a possible speaker, but we're almost certain to get John White or Frank Lindsay who would speak on the GEOSS AIP Air Quality Scenario. Gary Foley will be calling these folks to nail that down. However, if you're especially keen to make a presentation in this workshop, by all means talk with Gary (cc'd on this email).
Re: GEOSS Workshop on Air Quality and Coastal Ecosystems -- Rhusar 20:50, 24 April 2008 (EDT)
David, It is delightful to see you taking the initiative with the GEOSS Education/Outreach workshop at IGARSS Boston. Your activity will certainly contribute towards spreading the GEOSS meme and toward increasing the surface area of exposure. A note about your workshop will be passed on to the air quality cluster list and also will be brought up at tomorrow's cluster telecon.
As for the possible speakers, both John White or Frank Lindsay would be most appropriate in presenting the GEOSS AQ Scenario since they represent two of the key stakeholders in the air pollution information system and process. I'm certainly not the appropriate person, particularly since our activity is primarily that of a facilitator. Besides, I had more than my share of IGARSS workshop participation over the past couple of years.