
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

3,023 22


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Title 2

Date Name Height
01.10.1977 Smith 1.85
11.6.1972 Ray 1.89
1.9.1992 Bianchi 1.72
Date Name Height
AbstractA paragraph describing the resource.
  • Attribute Convention for Data Discovery - Highly Recommended
  • Catalog Services for the Web (CSW) Core Queryables
  • Catalog Services for the Web (CSW) Core Returnable Properties
  • DCAT for Data Discovery - Mandatory
  • DIF for Data Discovery - Required
  • ECHO for Data Discovery - Mandatory
  • ECS for Data Discovery - Recommended
  • FGDC for Data Discovery - Mandatory
  • ISO-1 for Data Discovery - Mandatory
  • ISO-1 for Service Discovery - Mandatory
  • Identification
  • Project Description
  • SERF for Service Discovery - Required
  • Service
AcknowledgementProvides a place to acknowledge various types of support for the project that produced the data.
  • Attribute Convention for Data Discovery - Recommended
Additional Lineage DocumentationAdditional descriptive information, such as a publication that describes the process for generating the resource.
  • ISO External References
Additional Resource DocumentationOther documentation associated with the resource.
  • ISO External References
Additional Usage DocumentationPublications that describe usage of data.
  • ISO External References
AddressAddress line for the location
  • People
Algorithm CitationInformation identifying the algorithm and version or date.
  • ISO External References