Review of Analysis Methods

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

< GEO User Requirements for Air Quality | Report | Documents | Resources

Project Plan Sent to Advisory Group, Jul 3, 09


  1. Create Advisory Group
    1. Ad-hoc collection of experts in a variety of ecosystem related disciplines
    2. Invited through professional associations and references
    3. Identified through authorship in papers identified during document search
    4. Sought to recruit advisory group members a number of geographic regions
  2. Document Identification and Analysis
    1. wide range of publicly available sources
    2. built through literature searches and online searches
    3. applied a range of keywords to identify documents
  3. Analysis
    1. Searched documents for discussion of earth observation requirements for ecosystems and reference to adequacy or inadequacy of currently available parameters
    2. Extracted information of ecosystem type, region of interest, observation parameter and parameter characteristics (frequency, spatial resolution, timeliness, accuracy/precision, and adequacy)
  4. Prioritizations to be determined with input from Advisory Group


  1. Identify advisory group
  2. Send AG survey to narrow the scope of the report
  3. Method
    1. Preliminary review to determine if it provided specific disaster-related EO requirements
    2. If so, document was thoroughly reviewed and approporiate data extracted
      1. Disaster type, region of interest, and observation parameter and characteristics (frequency, spatial resolution, timeliness, accuracy/precision, and adequacy)
    3. Compiled extracted informaiton into a database
  4. Used a frequency analysis to identify priorities, based on parameter keyword frequency and aggregation of similar parameters


  1. Identified documents specifying parameters required or reference to parameters currently in use
  2. Parameter characteristics (spatial resolution, coverage/extent, temporal resolution/frequency, timeliness, accuracy/prevision
  3. Prioritization
    1. Identify cross-cutting parameters, across different SBA types
    2. Identify parameters projects to gain prominence over the next 20 plus years
    3. AG refinement


  1. Advisory Group
  2. Identification of docs
  3. Document review
  4. Comparison of priorities across documents
  5. Comparison of priorities across regional and global needs