PAPA-SAN Public Health and Air Pollution in Asia: Science Access on the Net (1980–2007)

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Doc #: 97 Title: PAPA-SAN Public Health and Air Pollution in Asia: Science Access on the Net (1980–2007) | Document Link
Organization/Author: The Health Effects Institute
Type: "Regional Report" is not in the list (Report, Workshop, Paper, Website, Presentation, Legislation, Other) of allowed values for the "DocType" property.Regional Report
Year: 2007
Region: East Asia"East Asia" is not in the list (International, Africa, Asia, Non-Southeast, Asia, Southeast, Europe, North America, Oceania/Australia, Polar Region, South America) of allowed values for the "DocRegion" property.
Observation Type:
Observation Needs:
Document Status: Submitted, 2009/07/01
Parameters: Traffic emissions, Motor vehicle emissions, Urban air pollution, Haze (visible atmospheric pollution), visibility, Acid fog, Haze from forest fires, Asian duststorms, sandstorms (PM2.5 as indicators), Volcanic ash, Petrochemical air pollution(PM, SO2, NO2, acid aerosols), Industrial air pollution, PM, RSP, SPM, TSP, PM10, PM102.5, PM2.5, SO2, NO2, NOx, O3, CO, VOCs, Particle associated PAHs hydrocarbons, BaP, 1, 3-Butadien, SO42–, Sulfate aerosols (as particulates), nitrate, nitrite, elemental carbon, and organic carbonLead, Cadmium, Copper, zinc, Iron, manganese, lead, zinc, and aluminum in PM, meteorologic factors (daily average wind velocity, Temperature > 35°C

Description of Document: Compilation of Asian health studies (1980-2007)