October 2006 Constitution and Bylaws Vote
During the July 20, 2006 Assembly Business Meeting, the Assembly considered recommendations of the Membership Working Group. During the meeting, the Assembly adopted 2 sets of Bylaws changes and deferred another set of Bylaws changes and conforming Constitution changes because it had not met the required review period for changes to the Constitution. During the meeting, the Assembly adopted Bylaws amendments that:
The proposed changes to the Bylaws and Constitution that were deferred until now relate to providing the ESIP Type caucuses the ability to elect a representative to each of the Administrative Committees of the ESIP Federation (Executive, Constitution and Bylaws, Finance and Appropriations, Partnership) Currently, only Representatives to the Executive Committee were elected by each Type caucus. The impact of the proposed amendment, when taken with the Vice Chairs being elected by the Standing Committees, will result in the Assembly having to elect 14 fewer positions each year. The proposed changes are being bundled together to either pass or fail as a package, since the two are inextricably linked. The text of the adopted and proposed Constitution and Bylaws changes can be found here. Proposed changes are highlighted in blue, adopted language is in black. |