Leading Product Development

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

From Leading Product Development: The Senior Manager's Guide to Creating and Shaping the Enterprise, Steven Wheelwright and Kim Clark, The Free Press, New York, NY 1995

The Leadership Challenge

Senior managers have the benefit of a rare vantage point. The see the whole enterprise and its future, and thus they are in a unique position to understand the importance of product development to the success of the business. More

A New Role for Senior Management: From Problem to Solution

It is our experience that senior manager’s ability to influence the outcome of a development project rarely coincides with where and when they focus their attention. More

Less is More: Building an Effective Project Portfolio

Leading product development at this stage means linking the business strategy to the set of projects the business plans to complete. More

Creating Consistently Effective Project Teams

The challenge: build creativity and depth of expertise in the disciplines and functions, and develop processes to apply and integrate that expertise to create great products consistently. More

Turning Promise to Reality