June 7, 2011
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
- Gregory Leptoukh (NASA GSFC)
- Greg Stensaas (USGS)
- Oleg Aulov (UMBC)
- Carol Meyer (ESIP)
- Erin Robinson (ESIP)
- Gary Foley (EPA)
- Tyler Stevens (NASA GSFC)
- Ed Armstrong (JPL)
- Joanne Nightingale (NASA GSFC)
- Phil Jones (NOAA NCDC)
- Karen Moe (NASA GSFC)
- Barry Weiss (JPL)
- Fritz VanWijngaarden (Northrop Grumman)
- W. Han (?)
- Greg Stensaas (Chair of the CEOS Cal/Val WG): "International Earth Observation Quality Assurance Efforts".
- Preparation for the Summer EIP Meeting in Santa Fe: ESIP Summer 2011 Meeting
- One of the objectives is to prepare something for qa4eo
- Speakers
- Identify reps of various research and application communities for:
- their understanding and requirements for quality
- methodology they use to assess and quantify data quality
- Communities: SST, Ocean color, Precipitation, Atm Chemistry, Land, Modeling, Applications (e.g., Air Quality),...
Old Action Items
- Hook and Greg: setup a page for collecting and aliasing quality-related terms
Upload community-specific presentations/papers either to the Community portion of the web site
- Greg Leptoukh noted that the agenda for the summer meeting breakout session is still fluid.
- Ocean color community not able to attend
- Invitations to NASA data quality PIs will be issued
- AQ and Energy communities will be represented
- Greg Stensaas, USGS & Chair of CEOS Calibration/Validation WG
- Landsat program repsonsibilities shifting
- continually trying to improve data accuracy
- need to improve time series terrestrial data
- integration of Landsat data with other data and sensors to support climate change research
- Need calibration to improve accuracy across systems
- requires better documentation
- improves consistency across data sets
- GCOS - improved definitions for Accuracy & Stability
- better definitions for standards, processes and establish quality indicators
- Need coordination among MANY players in the quality space
- CEOS - Organizational structure and its players. Ceos is a worldwide test site for referencing data through Earth Explorer.
- LSI - CEOS Land Surface Imaging Constellation Portal for Mid-Resolution Optical LSI Satellite System Information and Enhanced Data Access
- GEO SBA linkages (CEOS is the space arm of GEO) - (http://earthobservations.org)
- http://www.gmes.info/ - puts out quality requirements
- http://www.geoviqua.org/ - GeoViQua - QUAlity aware VIsualisation for the Global Earth Observation system of systems
- WG on Calibration/Validation (WGCV) - has 6 subgroups
- Cal/Val portal (http://calvalportal.ceos.org)
- test site (http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov)
- CEOS Visualization Environment (COVE) - built by systems engineering office buil - useful for calibration and validation predicting when things will be available over certain area.
- GEOSS support for quality information for SBAs (timely, quality, long-term & global)-needed good long term record, started to figure out how to better facilitate interoperability and harmonization of data.
- GEOSS: TASK-DA-09-01a - GEOSS Quality Assurance Strategy
- Quality Assurance Framework for Earth Observations (QA4EO) http://qa4eo.org
- Reference standards can be test sites or a reference to a standard ("fit for purpose")
- Definition has to be relevant to the whole suite of observations
- October 18-20, 2011 QA4EO Workshop in Oxford, England (4th meeting) - "QA4EO Workshop on Providing Harmonised Quality Information in Earth Observation Data by 2015"
- Joint Agency Commercial Imagery Evaluation (JACIE) Workshop Boulder, Colorado, March 29-31, 2011 - an anual workshop that had 10 successful meetings already. Does a lot of work related to quality of data.
- ESA GMES quality assurance requirements
- Preceding provides an overview of many of the quality assurance efforts going on globally
- important to work collaboratively across the many players
- Q&A for Greg Stensaas
- With multiple approaches for calibration & validation, how is th (Note: Greg L. - what was your question?)
- calibration of instruments must be documented to international standards; still learning how to do this with, especially for user definitions of quality
- 2 dist. methods
- start with error uncertainty that are determined during calibration and propagate through retrieval algorithms and derive uncertainty of the geophysical model.
- black box - at the end of the day validate the data against certain truths and validate against biases and errors.
Greg Stensaas perspective:
- very important to do prelaunch well documented calibration, calibration to international standards.
- Important to document recalibration.
- Validation component: black box process - the only way is to have ground truths
havent found good examples of errors affiliated with processing steps.
Gregory Leptoukh:
- when we go from lvl1 to lvl2 standardisation is questionable
- havent seen good quality indicators of processing algorithms, also no quality indicators of how well the data is delivered to users
- most standards I see have a geo in it's name do you know if there are any quality standards that are not geographical?
Greg Stensaas: Initial intent was geo because most data are geolocated, related to a grid, but it could be related to the entire instrument. No need to worry about the word.
- validation
- ISO standard use of "Geographic" language, why?
- can relate it to both a spatial or temporal extent (either or both) - don't worry about the word
- ISO/NP TS 19159 Geographic information - Calibration and validation of remote sensing imagery sensors and data
- For the Workshop looking for support - strategic implementation team for GEO
- ISO/CD 19157 Geographic information -- Data quality
- With regard to QA4EO effort, how can ESIP support the task?
- Need to show value of the development of quality indicators (e.g. Air Quality)
- UK workshop will feature showcases
- ISO Data Quality - processes
- From the point of view of users, knowing total quality assurance from instrument to data product is essential (Foley)
- Decision makers need some certainty that they data they're using is of high enough "quality" in order to be able to use it
- Actions for Follow Up:
- Link to Air Quality Working Group (Meyer/Robinson) - done
- Obtain EPA Data Quality Documentation (Foley/Stensaas)
- Invitations to CEOS Cal/Val WG subgroups (Meyer/Leptoukh/Stensaas/Nightingale)
- Get slides from Greg Stensaas (Leptoukh/staff)
Action Items
- All: continue looking for speakers and community reps