ISO Users
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
How ISO Does It
Tracking problems that users have with datasets and sharing that information with other users so that they can avoid repeating them is a new feature in ISO 19115.
+ specificUsage : CharacterString
+ usageDateTime [0..1] : DateTime
+ userDeterminedLimitations [0..1] : CharacterString
+ userContactInfo [1..*] : CI_ResponsibleParty
ESIP Response
- Henry
- Z. Xing
- Ed Armstrong: - But not using metadata
- Debborah Smith: Discover: – do it now by hand apart from data
- Tyler Stevens: - GCMD has user support and keeps track of user question
(unknown) Both for quality and sample applications > metrics
- Rudy Husar
- Ken Casey: - Would be great to use ISO and take our user queries and the solutions given to them, and put those in the structural metadata
- Jeff Arnfield: - Often an important source of info/detail/clarification
- John Scialdone: - Good to know