GEO AQ CoP Data Portals

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

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AQ Data Portals - Tagged Bookmarks on Delicious

Data Portal Communities organize and facilitate access to observations or models, maintain data catalogs and visualization tools. They are typically associated with providers or curators of specific data sets such as satellite observations, surface-base networks or other specialized data sources. Some portals are more user-oriented, catering for the needs of specialized user types such as informing the Public. Many Data Portals are also part of Science Teams or Decision Support activities.

Undoubtedly, this list of 'integrating initiatives' is incomplete. If AQ CoP members are aware of others, please send a link, maybe with a short sentence description...Alternatively use the bookmarking site delitious and tag the site yourself using two tags: IntegratingInitiative and optional tags for the type: AQDataportal, AQScienceTeam, AQDecisionSupport, AQFacelitator. Help on Delicious Tags

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