April 18, 2019 @ 2pm ET
Participants: Carla McAuliffe, LuAnn Dahlman, Becky Reid, Margaret Mooney, Shelley Olds, Patricia Reiff, Megan Carter
1. Summer Meeting Updates
- Registration - Megan can update us as requested.
- Outreach / Publicity
- Reach out to area contacts - all
- Talk to Patrick Chandler about reaching out to his network
- Carla can send out “blurb” and small photo. Carla send flyer to Anne Egger. Shelley to post in NESTA Facebook group. Margaret will send to her.
- Pat Reiff will also send something out
- Activities - LuAnn, Keith & Sean have hurricane activity ready. Data “cleaned up”
- Walk through with instructors soon (next couple of weeks) LuAnn will set date and set up meeting. May 2nd, 2pm Eastern
- The workshop is posted to Sched: https://2019esipsummermeeting.sched.com/event/O40g
2. Update from NSTA - Shelley & Carla
- St. Louis - Handed out flyers - one pager & Summer workshop flyer
- St. Louis - NESTA Share-a-Thon (109 participants) & UNAVCO sessions (2)
- NSTA 2019 regionals -- Becky
- Boston 2020 - Coding session
- Cost benefit - exposure is great! We have limited personnel capacity.
- Shared booth for NSTA Boston: ESIP, NESTA, AGI, UCAR, CLEAN, (Rice U) Pat…
- Luggage tags / neck wallet
3. Postcards - promotional
- ESIP Collection? Web collection on NESTA (https://serc.carleton.edu/nesta/resources/terc_es.html)
- Out to Lunch?
- Earth Science Week Kit??? (June 1 deadline)
- Place into budget 2020?
- Partner with CLEAN? Do they have a budget
4. Ad/Article for The Earth Scientist?
- Out To Lunch promotional Ad/Article - Margaret will draft and send to Carla.