21 February 2019 (EST)~~ Feb 21 @ 2pm, 2019
Participants: Becky Reid LuAnn Dahlman Megan Carter Robert Downs Carla McAuliffe Elizabeth Joyner Katy Rico James Acker Shelley Olds Margaret Mooney
1. Winter Meeting - Ed Working Session Recap
- Helped to generate interest, established connections
- Need to seek out the right notebooks to have them prepared for teacher learning
2. What’s Next? Plans for Summer Meeting
- LuAnn-- modifying the hurricane activity, adding in the pedagogy aspect ~90 minute activity
- Need people to try it out and provide feedback
- Other potential content: https://www.popsci.com/scripts-macros-in-google-docs-sheets#page-2
- Fee? $50 registration fee, $250 stipend for showing up
- A series of skills-building activities building up to LuAnn’s hurricane activity
- Elizabeth - can send NASA materials to hand out
- Do we want more than one??
- Day: Wednesday
3. ESIP Education Committee Technology Permanent Loan & Lending Library
- PocketLabs: Lending and Curriculum
- Pocketlab air in production, not available yet (maybe end of March)
- Waiting to hear back from Kalo about what he needs curriculum-wise - Check back with Kalo
- Need to get a teacher (maybe summer program-oriented) lined up for borrowing the Pocketlabs; 1 year loan
- Use summer meeting to recruit (teachers from previous years?)
4. Out2Lunch: schedule update, recruitment, ideas: http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Education/Out2Lunch
- 2.1 March 13 - SuAVE - Ilya Zaslavsky, Spatial Information Systems Lab, UC San Diego
- 2.2 March 20 - Science Pickle - John Pickle, Retired science & math teacher, Founder: Science Pickle
- 2.3 March 27 - Weather and Climate Web Apps - Tom Whittaker, Researcher-Emeritus, CIMSS, SSEC
- Shelley - to reach out to Concord Consortium for April 3 Out to Lunch
5. NESTA Share-a-Thons at NSTA National in St. Louis - Please sign up!! How about a flier to recruit for the summer workshop?
- Sign up link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NESTAshareathon
- Let’s make a flier for the summer workshop & PocketLab lending library!
- Recruiting from people near-by (Washington, Oregon)
- Reminder-- NESTA abstract deadline April 15th (Boston)
- Think about this for our March meeting.
6. Earth Educators' Rendezvous - conflicts with Summer Meeting
- Rendezvous date is standing, maybe in the future consider shifting ESIP or making them back-to-back in the same place?
- Also a Gordon Research Conference at the same time
7. Wiki updates-- any updates to goals/implementation plan?
- Katy is going to do updates to the wiki page
- Shelley will send the 3 documents (summer workshop, Project work, Special Project)
8. Share your resources with NESTA ! Send Carla a blurb.
9. Need to put in the application for the summer workshop to ESIP - we can review/revise