Education/Telecon 2017-04-11

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

Monthly Meeting: April 11, 2017 Attendees: Johanna Bozuwa, Margaret Mooney, Shelley Olds, Pat Reiff, Bob Downs, Casey Calamaio, LuAnn Dahlman, Erin, Bruce Caron

ESIP education workshop

  • Have an eclipse talk: connect it to the bigger ESIP workshop. Pat would like some time to go outdoors
  • Bob and Pat are flexible in time
  • The Education to stay on Thursday so Pat could also go Thursday for the plenary. Pat’s piece could work well in the “unconference” space because of the outdoors component
  • start and end time conference thursday: 9AM-5:30PM
  • could extend to 5:30 if we wanted to or could have a day and a half for the education workshop
  • migrated funding from NSTA to the earth educator rendezvous workshop. Own drone funding. Then ESIP has its own drone funding. Lots of educators get drones!
  • Balloon flights are being planned for during the eclipse. But would be cool for the teachers to have drone movie clips (40-50 ft up).
  • want to ensure that it will be relatively easy for teachers to stay for Funding Friday because that opportunity is quite significant
  • Drone cluster: holding a workshop or demonstration at the meeting
  • Action Item: When sending out the promo to the educators for the drones workshop— mention the drone cluster and Funding Friday opportunities


  • Luann & Shelley talking with Randy Russell about the ebook. Having a meeting with him tomorrow
  • Potentially connect with UCAR and post it on their server. Win win situation.
  • Link from UCAR to ESIP wiki, and vice versa. At a minimum a ESIP blogpost to show where we put products. Huge contribution, so don’t want to lose this.
  • Need to ensure that this is a trustworthy source for educators. the Wiki might not be the best place in that case. Larger discussion.
  • Opportunities of figshare - could create a sub portal within the system. Will be getting more information on this in the coming month or so
  • What about copyright? Advocating for a creative commons - free use with attribution so that educators can use and modify as they need. will be a 90 minute session. Should coordinate so that they don’t overlap. Maybe tie them together or connect interested parties? Jane, Lindsay, and Casey are the contact persons to coordinate.


  • currently 3 people signed up, but registration deadline is not until beginning of May
  • 150 dollars a day to attend the conference, some work being done on providing scholarships
  • Erin connecting Carla with the University of New Mexico to see if they could do some sponsoring
  • currently pretty expensive and need at least 20 people to make the workshop viable. so we need to increase numbers
  • add eclipse activity?
  • offering the first 15 teachers who work directly with students in k-12 or after school programs drones for free

Here is the video recording: