Attendees: Alan Gould, Carla McAuliffe, Tamara Ledley, Margaret Mooney, Shelley Olds, Pat Rieff
1) The ESIP Executive Committee has requested that each committee chair review their committee's purpose in the current ESIP bylaws. The ExComm will discuss if all standing committees are needed moving forward and if we need to clarify names, purposes of these groups.
- Here are the bylaws for Education:
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- Section 6 - Standing Committee for Education
- V.6.1 The ESIP Federation shall include a Standing Committee for Education. Its purpose is to make accessible to educators and learners at all levels in both formal and informal educational contexts the Earth science data, information, tools, and curricula available within the ESIP Federation. Its roles are:
- a. To promote and facilitate the development and dissemination of Earth science educational products, information, and tools to a broad user community using the wealth of Earth science data and expertise available in the ESIP Federation.
- b. To promote and facilitate the collaboration of multiple ESIP’s to develop educational applications of Earth science data products, information, and tools
- c. To provide a central organization for ESIP Federation educational materials to facilitate and standardize dissemination/distribution
- [No longer a major goal of this committee: too large a task]
- Shelley: Gathering links from Education listserv and putting them up is one thing we could do.
- NESTA could also promote our products. We'll take a look at what they offer.
- Action Item: Shelley will make a call for titles and links and a logo.
- d. To develop collaborative relationships with other organizations involved in educational activities
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Note: The CLEAN Network is negotiating the possibility of replacing the Climate Change Education Working Group. This is a not-currently-active group listed as one of ESIP's collaboration areas. Tamara has been discussing this with Erin Robinson, as she will be on leave from TERC next year. ESIP could help the CLEAN Network move forward during her absence. An active group with a large listserv.
Another note: Carla announced. kCathy Manduca is looking for a way to help Earth Science Educator types (through major organizations) to work together in a complimentary way. GSA, AGU, AGI, NESTA, AMS, etc.
2) Here is the Education Committee report posted for the November ExComm meeting:
- The Education Committee has posted the alpha version of its e-book of drone activities. Shelley Olds has developed a survey we'll use to gather feedback on the activities. Based on feedback we receive, we'll identify a consistent activity format and choose which activities to include in the next version. After a second review cycle, we'll submit our content to a graphic designer.
- Brief discussion on finalizing survey
- Margaret Mooney presented the e-book content in a session at the Midwest Regional meeting of the National Science Teachers Association in Minneapolis on October 28. Twenty-nine enthusiastic participants showed up (some even took test flights!) for her late Friday afternoon session. The activities were well received and several participants indicated they would try them with students.
3) Education Session at the Winter meeting - seeking 2 or 3 presenters - please see the abstract below.
Abstract/Agenda: The rapid pace of technology provides an opportunity for educational updates around new data tools and techniques. ESIP Education will kick-off an initiative in 2017 featuring a series of short webinars showcasing ESIP member resources. Each presentation will be recorded and archived, building a library of data tool vignettes that anyone can access. Content will be geared toward educators teaching grades 7-13. Tentatively called “Out to Lunch” the series will commence in February and be offered every-other week during the school year. Educators will know before logging on that presentations will only last 10 minutes long, with up to 10 minutes Q&A.
This winter meeting session will introduce the series and quickly move into 4 or 5 demos that will become the first to populate the video library. Initial topics include GOES-R and Drones. We will be seeking additional presentations from ESIP members, feel free to contact us! The session will conclude with a discussion on how to move forward with a successful education program.
- LuAnn volunteers to offer a session on's Climate Data Primer
- Shelley also volunteered to speak about UNAVCO
- Margaret encouraged LuAnn and Shelley to do a session on drones and the eBook.