Attendees: Rebecca Fowler, Margaret Mooney, LuAnn Dalhman, Johanna, Shelley Olds, Robert Downs, Preston Lewis, Dan Zalles , Bob Downs
Webinar #2 -
- NSTA workshop STEP forum will have a Drone Workshop, and we will help them with the safety rules for Drones.
- Both webinars went very well.
Drone Workshop Recruitment Report -
- Registrations were sent
- Currently have 15 registered and now working to confirm their registration. The survey will be sent out soon.
- Will keep registration open for up to 18 people, with 16-18 on the waiting list
- Recruitment is now stopped
- Action Items: Rebecca to monitor the waiting list. LuAnn to delete slides from the Webinars referring to recruitment.
- FAA regulations have changed slightly, so we should be cognizant and change the name accordingly. (Not “Flight School”)
- They have lowered restrictions for flying drones for educational purposes. Educators are supposed to be facilitators moreso than pilots.
Workshop Planning -
- Use of eBook at the workshop: plan to distribute the activities for the ebook at the workshop as far as they have been refined to that point. The educators will take this back to their place of education and work with students, getting back to us with feedback. Once this is accomplished, Preston will start the design for the ebook.
- Engagement: There are some funds available to keep educators engaged past the initial workshop.
- Look to the Drupal Committee example, where they have received money to provide those interested with registration or travel fees for a pertinent conference, etc.
- 1:30 time slot to have 10 minute, short presentations on how they are using data.
- Make it clear that it should be short sessions with a range of possibilities. It would be helpful to have presenters stick around in the break.
- Those that will be attending the Summer Meeting to have a more in-depth discussion on May 24 at 2PM ET to divide tasks and talk more in depth.
- Actions: Margaret to send a call out to ESIP ALL for presenters, Bob and LuAnn to have offline conversation about presenting. Those attending the Summer Meeting will have a conference call at 2PM ET on May 24.
eBook -
- After the workshops, will go through a vetting by ESIP and the Education Committee
- Potential to have it submitted to the NASA ESE for review for a more formalized vetting process. There are about 4 to 5 deadlines per year. Once it passes the review, it will go int othe Wavelength library and will be NASA approved.
- STEM Forum to be held on July 28th - Shelley will be presenting and is willing to distribute the eBook draft activities.
Additional Topics -
- Out To Lunch - (Proposed by Margaret) could have a series of 10 minute talks every Tuesday. We could tap into the the ESIP community, asking them to provide talks about data geared towards educators of grades 6-14. “For teachers to discover after lunch”
- Can explore this topic following the summer meeting
- At the summer meeting, can float the idea and try to find some first presenters
- The 3rd Giovanni workshop will be about education. It will be held in Mid Autumn.
- They created the education track because they realized that many people use ARSET for education. They are in the preliminary planning stages.
- To be held in Mid Autumn and will be held online.