Attendees: Rebecca Fowler, Margaret Mooney, Dan Zalles, Bob Downs, Shelley Olds, Nina Jackson, Preston Lewis, Alan Gould.
NOTE: Each month, ESIP's Executive Committee meeting will start one hour after ours begins. We should probably keep meetings to 45 minutes.
- Open Mic: Information you want to share with other educators
- Webinar and Summer Workshop planning
- Shelley set up a Google doc for our use.
- Activity Ideas: UAVs for STEM <---Add your ideas here.
- Initial Scoping Document
- ESIP Fed Ed—UAVs for STEM
Note: Becky Reid has two people at her school who fly recreational drones. We can compile questions to ask them.
- Webinar 1: Goal: Inspire people by sharing some of the great things that drones are being used for.
Dan Zalles and LuAnn Dahlman will lead
- Webinar 2: Organizing Data: some foundational information to gather data on flights, images, etc.
Shelley Olds would appreciate a partner, perhaps from DataONE? Would also appreciate a teacher who is using drones. Margaret: looking for a teacher who might present (he won a raffle in NC: Blatner) From See
- Summer Workshop
Shelley has done some substantial research into drones and ancillary equipment that is available.
Who wants a drone? Shelley Preston
Bob: Ideas about organizing data. How individuals might capture and analyze data. Are there easier and less expensive ways to analyze data. Shelley: Perhaps check GLOBE protocols. What kind of metadata do they collect for photos? Recreational drones usually only have a camera. Some sensors are available though. Dan: Without a GPS unit, folks could go into Google Earth or ESRI products and create placemarks. Other tools are now available in the cloud rather than requiring desktop software. Shelley: Smart phones can also provide locations. Preston: Is using GLOBE protocols, can help with metadata.
Nina: Maryland, South River High School: building drones. Looking at forestry and salinity. They could present or collect data.
We need info on the learning curve for flying a drone, assurance that registration is not necessary, etc.
Target dates: Webinar #1 March 22 4 PM Eastern Webinar #2 April 26 4 PM Eastern
Margaret will be starting the recruitment.