Participants: Roberta; Erin; Kyle; Alan (NOTE: This meeting was rescheduled from Aug. 20)
New Business
- Summer Meeting Recap
- 10 people on the climate change webinar
- Our Student Fellow Kyle Nelson received a FUNding Friday Award
- Outstanding Education Committee-related Items?
- SACNAS scholarship funds were delivered
- NSTA Workshop (Planning needed?) Draft NESTA-ESIP NSTA Workshop Schedule
- Review FY15 Draft Budget Draft ESIP Education Committee Budget Proposal August 2014
Other Business
Meeting Minutes
New Business
- Summer Meeting Recap
- 10 people on the climate change webinar
- Our Student Fellow Kyle Nelson received a FUNding Friday Award
- Outstanding Education Committee-related Items?
- SACNAS scholarship funds were delivered
- NSTA Workshop (Planning needed?) Draft NESTA-ESIP NSTA Workshop Schedule
- Erin and Roberta will to reach out to west coast folks who may be attending
- Review FY15 Draft Budget Draft ESIP Education Committee Budget Proposal August 2014
Other Business
- How can Education committee serve ESIP as a whole by promoting resources of ESIP members?
- Reach out to all ESIP members to let them know that the Education Committee is willing and able to assist in providing outreach ideas as part of their cluster or committee projects
- What do they have that might be of interest to the general public or that could be shared through the Education Committee?
- Alan will compose a draft survey with 2 or 3 questions and we will discuss on our next call
Webinar Link: [Webinar Stream]
Minutes respectfully submitted by Kyle Nelson, ESIP Student Fellow - Education Committee