Education/Telecon 2014-06-18

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

Participants: Roberta; Cheryl; Bob


New Business

  1. Update on status of SACNAS award
    Did this happen this year, to whom, and what is the procedure (so we can plan on it and promote/disseminate better) - Erin and Pat
  2. Update on Educator Challenge
    Discussion planned for 6/20 between Emily and Roberta
  3. Update on status of NSTA fall workshop proposals
    Plan for workshop (Roberta et al)
  4. ESIP Summer conference Teacher Web seminar
    Discussion (Margaret et al)
  5. Update on ESIP Strategic Plan and Special Projects opportunity - (Erin)
  6. FY2015 Budget Discussion

Other Business

  1. ESIP Summer Meeting
  2. Discussion of FUNding Friday project

Meeting Minutes

New Business

  • Update on status of SACNAS award
  • Update on Educator Challenge
    • Roberta reports: She and Emily have a call scheduled on Friday of this week (6/20) to discuss this item
  • Update on status of NSTA fall workshop proposals
    • Roberta reports: According to the NSTA website, all ESIP session proposals for the fall conferences have been "accepted". However, NSTA has not yet sent out official results with the schedule. Likely they have been really accepted, but they are having issues with scheduling the conferences. In any case, Roberta thinks what this means is that the NESTA/ESIP session is a go for all three fall conferences, and so it would be wise to start planning it. Roberta will forward a draft plan for this session, asking for input, prior to our next conference call. The first NSTA fall conference is in October.
  • ESIP Summer conference Teacher Web seminar
    • Details to come from Margaret et al
  • Update on ESIP Strategic Plan and Special Projects opportunity
    • Erin reports that there will be a special vote regarding the special projects program in the next couple of weeks. She recommends that we table the proposal that was developed for the Test Bed opportunity, which was going to be moved into the special projects program opportunity, and consider including it in our next year's budget.
  • FY2015 Budget Discussion
    • In order to ensure that we have an approved budget proposal in place prior to the start of the fiscal year, Roberta would like to get started on Education Committee Budget development now. She will forward a draft budget to the committee for consideration on email by July 25th. After receiving and reviewing the proposed budget, please provide suggestions/additions/revisions, and then we can discuss the budget as a major agenda item on our August conference call. We can then vote to approve the draft in our September call.

NEXT CONFERENCE CALL - AUGUST 2014 (vacations in July)

Other Business

  • ESIP Summer Meeting
  • FUNding Friday project: Erin provides the following:
    • Details on FUNding Friday: FUNding Friday is an annual mini-competition established in 2008 at the Summer Meeting in Durham, NH. Several $5,000 awards are given to members to fund small projects that are inspired by ESIP collaboration or participation. In 2009, the ESIP Federation created a student competition with awards of $3,000.
    • This competition serves several purposes:
      • Promotes and rewards new collaborations or bridges between ESIP projects and technologies, so that novel outcomes can be explored
      • Fosters small-scale projects of real value by supporting programmer salary, travel—whatever is needed to realize the proposed work
      • Showcases how the ESIP Federation can leverage current technologies and member skills to add new services with a modest amount of effort (and funding)
      • Rewards members who are looking to explore new collaborations and new ideas inspired by other Federation member activities.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Kyle Nelson (with assistance from Roberta), ESIP Student Fellow-Education Committee