Participants: Erin Robinson; Roberta Killeen; Margaret Mooney; Kyle Nelson; Pat Reiff; Alan;
New Business
- News from Executive Committee call
- Update on status of proposal to Test Bed
- ESIP Summer Meeting Web Seminar (Margaret)
- Discussion of competition project
Other Ideas? none
Meeting Minutes
- News from Executive Committee call
- Strategic plan over next 6 months
- Emily L. and Erin reviewed historical Strategic Plans
- Goals; Funding from NASA/NOAA; Major accomplishments of ESIP over last 5 years; Gaps and how to move forward
- In 2009, ESIP did a review and came up with a 2020 Pillar review
- Survey will be discussed next month
- New nomination committee
- Finance presented their new funding mechanism
- Special project opportunity?
- Additional projects that come in at odd times in the fiscal calendar
- Committees, clusters and workgroups have opportunities
- Update on status of proposal to Test Bed
- Likely will be placed in “Special Projects” category
- Executive Committee will be voting on this in June
- Committee/Workgroup/Cluster would be able to submit projects until fiscal year funding is depleted.
- Projects would need to be completed by the end of the fiscal year
- ESIP Summer Meeting Web Seminar (Margaret)
- 90-minute session is a “GO”
- 3 Presenters: Frank Neopold (NOAA) and Dana Haynes (NASA) and Margaret Mooney (CIMSS)
- Advertise on NESTA website, ESIP Teacher Education lists
- Surveys post-seminar?
- Roberta has survey questions that current ESIP web seminars have used
- Roberta will provide a list of questions to Margaret
- Discussion of competition project (Educator Challenge)
- Becky R. and Emily L. had suggested this idea
- Roberta will contact Becky and Emily to see if they can provide guidance on this
- Presentations or scholarships for student presentations?
- American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting
- Workshops and presentations?
- Helping AGU organize one or more workshops
- New Journal
- Astronomy Journal: JRAEO(?): Journal of Astronomy Education and Outreach
Webinar Link: [| Webinar Stream]
Minutes respectfully submitted by Kyle Nelson, ESIP Student Fellow-Education Committee