Participants: Erin Robinson; Roberta Killeen; Margaret Mooney; Kyle Nelson; Robert Downs
New Business
- ESIP Teacher Summer Session - Kick off at ESIP Summer Meeting
- Call format
- Identify other speakers for subsequent calls
- Review draft of testbed proposal: Testbed Proposal Draft
- NSTA - Recap
- EarthCube End User Workshop Recap
Other Ideas?
- CLEAN was featured on the ESIP blog. Might be nice to reach out to Tamara to talk more about the post.
Meeting Minutes
NSTA Recap: Roberta
- Held in Boston, MA
- “Blazing success”
- 12K in attendance
- 4 share-a-thon sessions (Space weather, Ocean-Atmosphere-Climate, Earth System Science, Geology)
- Shared science data resources with teachers
- 95 presenters between all 4 sessions
- Submission finalized for NSTA Spring conference in Chicago, IL next April (2015)
ESIP Teacher Summer Session - Kick off at ESIP Summer Meeting - Erin
- Workshop sessions will be delivered via webinar
- Call to develop testbed proposals (Due on April 30th)
- Some feel that there is a disconnect between ESIP Education committee & Technical groups
- Idea: Edu committee could coach presenters on making information
- Member of ESIP community asked to present but delivers a presentation intended for a technical audience.
- Edu committee could help ESIP community presenters to craft/recraft their content to make it more applicable for teachers to employ immediately in the classroom
- Idea: Edu committee could coach presenters on making information
- Roberta
- Concern: Do we have enough ESIP folks that would be interested in presenting?
- Concern: workload of refining projects (one per month?)
- NSTA: has a new web seminar series as of last week for teachers
- Idea: Scientist-Educator team?
- Topics selected by teachers based on their needs
- Include easy activities that teachers can use in classroom
- ESIP: Standard webinar focused on data
- Poll teachers for topics (what do they want?)
- ESIP Education committee leads webinar
- Background on topics and provide simple classroom activities that employ conceptual models
- 3 seminars, 3 ESIP community members
- Margaret (Climate Change Education w/NASA and NOAA)
- Bob Downs
- 3rd?
- Yolanda Gil (U. Southern California)
- Dave Jones (CEO of Storm Center)
- Proposed seminar format
- Pre-Launch: survey of needs/interests
- Design 1.5 hour talks w/.5 hour for discussion
- End call w/live survey
- Effectiveness of material?
- Did material meet their needs?
- Margaret: start with one web seminar per season instead of once per month?
- Roberta and Erin will iterate on Testbed Proposal Draft
EarthCube End User Workshop Recap
- Education advisory group being created within the EarthCube governance structure
Webinar Link: April 2014 Education Committee Telecon
Minutes respectfully submitted by Kyle Nelson, ESIP Student Fellow-Education Committee.