Education/Telecon 2014-03-19

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

Participants: Erin Robinson; Roberta Killeen; Carol Meyer; Alan Gould; Margaret Mooney; Kyle Nelson; Robert Downs; Christine White


Other Business:

  • Erin and Roberta at EarthCube Meeting

Meeting Minutes

ESIP Summer Meeting: No session submissions yet


  • One 90 minute virtual education session as opposed to a full-blown teacher workshop
  • Climate Education focus.
  • Expand to include several teacher workshop sessions throughout the summer

Is education committee interested in hosting a series of webinars on the use of data in the classroom, launched with a climate focus during the summer conference?

  • Monthly basis, cycle between presenters, share a wide range of different resources focused on data use


  • Launching a series of webinars on astronomy and space science
  • ESIP Education Committee could piggyback on the idea
  • Could help promote ESIP's teacher education outreach webinars
  • Consensus: Try this once during a session from the summer meeting to test the idea. Evaluate effectiveness and work forward toward an ESIP Summer Session: "Data in the Classroom" for July, August, September.

Christine - Products and Services Committee:

  • RFP is out for innovative and collaborative projects that can be hosted through the ESIP Testbed
  • Resources are available
  • $5-7K is available for project funding

NSTA - Spring and Fall Conferences

  • Brief overview of Boston NESTA conference schedule sessions that are relevant for ESIP

ESIP Associated activities in 'NESTA' and 'Windows to the Universe' Newsletters:

  • Building interface for submission of 150 word blurb w/thumbnails for inclusion in newsletter
  • ESIP Education committee could advertise their July session in the 'Windows to the Universe' newsletter

ESIP Education Strategic Plan

  • Still finalizing. Not meant to be wholly comprehensive but rather to get people talking about what the education committee is doing, why we're doing it and where we are going

Carol's last day with ESIP in March 31st, 2014

  • Transitioning to new position: CEO of Hospice care association in South Carolina
  • Congratulations to Carol on the new position!

Other Business:

  • Erin and Roberta are attending from the EarthCube meeting.
    • Can report on their activities there on a later telecon

Webinar Link: March 2014 Education Committee Telecon

Minutes respectfully submitted by Kyle Nelson, ESIP Student Fellow-Education Committee.