Participants: Roberta Johnson, Patricia Reiff, Alan Gould, Carol Meyer, Erin Robinson
1. Budget Proposal Update and Implementation
- Roberta reported that the budget was approved by the Ficom. The budget was approved at the Option 1 level where that option was provided. It was decided that the implementation discussion could be moved to the Strategic Planning Priorities part of the agenda.
2. Gearing Up for Winter Meeting (Jan. 8-10, 2014)
- Margaret Mooney submitted a written description of the Education-focused session for the winter ESIP meeting.
3. Strategic Planning Priorities for Education Committee
- Alan Gould noted that the Education Committee has a strategic plan from 2007 and a 'Fact Sheet' that highlighted ESIP Education Community Capabilities.
- Roberta noted that it would be good to come up with language that links the Context of the Education Committee to Goals/Objectives
- Roberta took the action to draft objectives for the planning document by Friday, Dec. 6 and give the rest of the committee a couple weeks to iterate on the draft.
4. Other Business
- Carol and Roberta will work to find a time to meet during the Jan. ESIP meeting, if possible given scheduling challenges.