Int'l Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) *
CEOS Disaster Risk Management 2012
GEOSS 10-year plan 2005
Other Disaster/Hazard Categories
ESIP interest / expertise (contact email)
Natural Hazards |
C drought |
Drought |
Drought |
C wildfires |
Wildfire |
Wildfires |
Wildland fires |
C extreme temperatures |
Heat wave |
Extreme weather |
Ice jams |
Sea and Lake ice |
G earthquakes |
Earthquake |
Seismic hazards |
Earthquakes |
G volcanic activity |
Volcano |
Volcanoes |
Volcanoes, Volcanic Ash, Aerosols |
G tsunamis |
Tsunami |
Tsunamis |
Coastal hazards, tsunami |
G landslides |
Landslide |
Landslides |
Landslides, subsidence |
Urban subsidence |
Inactive mine hazard |
Coastal lowland subsidence |
H avalanche |
H floods |
Flood |
Flooding (plain flooding) |
Floods |
Flash flooding |
M storms / wave surges |
Storm surge |
Coastal lowland flooding |
Severe thunderstorms |
M cyclones |
Hurricane |
Windstorm (hurricane, cyclones) |
Tropical cyclones |
Tornado |
Winter storm |
B disease epidemics |
Biological Threat |
B Insect / animal plagues |
Manmade |
Bioterrorism |
industrial accidents |
Chemical threat |
Pollution events |
Radiation / Nuclear |
transport accidents |
famine |
conflicts |
displaced populations |
Fire |