DisasterResponse telecon 2016-02-04
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Organizers: Karen Moe, Emily Law, Sean Barberie
- Discussing strategic plan, plans for summer meeting, and direction forward
To join the audio portion of the Personal Conference meeting
Link to meeting: https://esipfed.webex.com/esipfed/j.php?MTID=m5ff6f56de85d238cde5d9fe220ee58c9
Audio connection:
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ESIP Disaster Cluster Telecon
Our goal for this session is to look over the strategic plan
- Want to focus on specific activities leading up to the summer meeting
- The strategic actions for the federation seem to dovetail nicely with our goals as a cluster
- This will serve as our roadmap both for work within the cluster and work with other clusters
- Let's start with line 19: Promote Authoritative Data Sources
- This is related to things we've already been discussing here in the cluster
- There are a couple other areas too where we can tie in with symantics for promoting our products
- At the winter meeting Karen did attend a session run by Rama and Bob Downs: the information quality cluster.
- They are looking at use-case development. Have developed a template for integration and exposing the drivers for information quality needs.
- This is definitely an area where we can do some work.
- so for our strategic plan, we can actually show which ESIP priorities we can meet right now and even put dates for fulfillment or milestones.
- How can we collaborate with the Information Quality Cluster in generating "trusted data set" examples? Perhaps we could provide use-cases using their template for our existing projects like those of Maggi and UAH.
- How can added-value information be appended to existing data sets? It is easy to share data, it is very difficult to create value-added information...even things as simple as legends.
- We should maybe put together a Google doc of all of our requirements for a trusted data source.
- "It's not a trusted data source unless it comes with a legend and a clickable map" --Dave Jones
- How can we not just expose maps, but create meaningful visualizations of these maps.
- Sean will create a google docs document for this discussion to continue in a live-interactive environment so that we can figure out what our trusted data needs are.
- Discussion of the testbed:
- during the disaster cluster breakdown session we had a discussion with Tom of All Hazards Consortium.
- Room for more collaboration between the disaster cluster and AHC.
- AHC will be very useful in providing us with what community needs we should be aiming to meet.
- March meeting: anything specific we want the group to do?
- We might want to have a couple data sets to show.
- If you're thinking about providing a sample dataset, send Dave an email.
- Possible important key focus areas for the next few months: refine what it means to be "trusted data". So following up with this Google Doc.
- Other important area: how we're organizing ourselves to do this testbed activity. How do we get our earth observation data organized so that it can be examined and tested by an external community?