Atmospheric Environment : New Directions: Results-oriented multi-pollutant air quality management

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

< GEO User Requirements for Air Quality | Report | Documents | Resources | Edit with Form
Doc #: 36 Title: Atmospheric Environment : New Directions: Results-oriented multi-pollutant air quality management | Document Link
Organization/Author: Jeffrey R. Brooka, , 1, , Kenneth L. Demerjianb, 2, , George Hidyc, 3, , Luisa T. Molinad, 4, , William T. Pennelle, 5, and Richard Scheffe
Type: "Journal Article" is not in the list (Report, Workshop, Paper, Website, Presentation, Legislation, Other) of allowed values for the "DocType" property.Journal Article
Year: 2008
Region: North America
Observation Type:
Observation Needs:
Document Status: Unsubmitted, 2009/08/31

Description of Document: