April 15, 2011
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
- Gregory Leptoukh (NASA GSFC)
- Hook Hua (JPL)
- Bill Teng (GSFC)
- Ed Armstrong (JPL)
- Barry Weiss (JPL)
- EGU 2011 briefing
- Preparation for the Summer EIP Meeting in Santa Fe: ESIP Summer 2011 Meeting
- Speakers
- Identify reps of various research and application communities for:
- their understanding and requirements for quality
- methodology they use to assess and quantify data quality
- Communities: SST, Ocean color, Precipitation, Atm Chemistry, Land, Modeling, Applications (e.g., Air Quality),...
- How and when for IQ telecons
- One main topic per telecon (presentation via WebEx)
- Shifting to Tue or Thursday from every other Friday at 2:30 pm Eastern time (have been told that Fridays are on half hour somehow...
Old Action Items
- All: by Apr 1 identify potential speakers
- All: identify main D&IQ topics for the summer meeting
- All: reach out to different communities and identify reps.
- Greg will contact Peter Cornillon for SST, Ken K. and Ed A for Ocean Color
- Hook and Greg: setup a page for collecting and aliasing quality-related terms
- Greg L briefed on his EGU 2011 experience: various EU DQ initiatives, EU-US differences and similarities in DQ approaches, interest in collaboration and writing the DQ white/position paper
- Barry W. talked about ISO 19175 and the SMAP subset
Action Items
- Greg L: Set up polling for the best telecon day
- Greg L.: contact Brian Franz to represent OC community
- Barry W.: will present DQ ISO standard with illustrations based on SMAP
- All: continue looking for speakers and community reps