Air Quality and health in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia
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Doc #: 65
Title: Add GEO User Requirement Document: Air Quality and health in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia | Document Link
Organization/Author: WHO
Type: "Workshop Summaries" is not in the list (Report, Workshop, Paper, Website, Presentation, Legislation, Other) of allowed values for the "DocType" property.Workshop Summaries
Year: 2003
Region: Central Asia"Central Asia" is not in the list (International, Africa, Asia, Non-Southeast, Asia, Southeast, Europe, North America, Oceania/Australia, Polar Region, South America) of allowed values for the "DocRegion" property.
Observation Type:
Observation Needs:
Document Status: Unsubmitted, 2009/09/30
Parameters: PM Ozone NOx emphasis, list of monitoring capabilities by country, needs
Description of Document: Air quality monitoring assessment. NEEDs Improve PM10/PM2.5 link AQ with monitoring with AQ management. improve reporting and access to information.