Air Pollution in Megacities in China

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

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Doc #: 50 Title: Air Pollution in Megacities in China | Document Link
Organization/Author: Chak K. Chana, Xiaohong Yao
Type: "Journal Article" is not in the list (Report, Workshop, Paper, Website, Presentation, Legislation, Other) of allowed values for the "DocType" property.Journal Article
Year: 2008
Region: East Asia"East Asia" is not in the list (International, Africa, Asia, Non-Southeast, Asia, Southeast, Europe, North America, Oceania/Australia, Polar Region, South America) of allowed values for the "DocRegion" property.
Observation Type:
Observation Needs:
Document Status: Unsubmitted, 2009/09/30
Parameters: SO2, NO2, CO, Ozone, PM10, RH, temperature Needs PM2.5, Ultrafine particles <1 micron, Particle chemical composition, Carbonecous components, Secondary components (SO4, NO3, NH4), crustal elements.

Description of Document: Megacities of China, 8 megacities, Reseach articles explosion > 100 articles a year since 2006 growing exponentially. Real time monitoring stations data are not available to public. Only data reported are numbers of days or number of hours air pollution Exceeded Nationa Ambient Air Quality Standard .