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AQ_uFIND Description: [[TermDesc::This is a web program that is used to find WMS and WCS services. It gets it contents by reading ISO 19115 Metadata documents from GEOSS Clearinghouse Service Registry. The user interface filters the service list by keywords like Parameter, Domain, Originator etc... The Datafed Browser can be then used to view the service data.]]
Glossary Domain: WCS, AQInfrastructure
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[[Links::ISO 19115 Metadata GEOSS Clearinghouse Datafed Browser]]
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Term Details
The AQ uFIND is a user-oriented Filtering and Identification of Networked Data (uFIND). The purpose of uFIND is to provide rich and powerful facilities for the user to discover and choose a desired dataset. These facilities include navigation through the multi-dimensional metadata space through the faceted search (uFind Pilot, 2009), ability to seamlessly access and browse datasets and to use uFINDs facilities as a web service for the mashups with other AQ applications and portals.
uFIND is built to enable AQ users to better discover and access data through a combination of spatial and temporal search, faceted search for discovery by different content dimensions and soon tags for grouping data by application or event.
uFIND differs from other clearinghouses and registeries because not only can users find the data, but they can also browse and immediately access data because only OGC WMS and WCS services are registered.