AQ GEO Task 0901a Report Outline v.1

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

General Intro

Purpose of the report & activity

Establish a GEO process for identifying critical Earth observation priorities common to many GEOSS societal benefit areas, involving scientific and technical experts, taking account of socio-economic factors, and building on the results of existing systems’ requirements development processes.

Scope of activity/analysis

This subarea will focus on priority Earth observation needs for air quality parameters that affect public health. Areas of relevance include near real-time air quality observations and forecasts for the purposes of air quality and public health management, research, planning, policy, and public information. Areas of interest may include, for example, levels and transport of ground-level ozone, particle pollution from anthropogenic and natural sources (e.g., wild fires, volcanoes, desert dust), and mercury, as well as dust-based transport of microbes. Black carbon, methane, and photochemical oxidants are of particular interest because of their co-benefits for health and climate change. Simultaneously health and air quality measurements.

SBA description (incl. selected subtopics)

User Types/Groups

User Types by value chain

  • Data Analysts (in: raw data; out: informing knowledge)====
  • Informers (in: general knowledge; out: actionable knowledge)====
  • AQ Decision Makers (in: knowledge, intuition etc; out: decisions)====

User Types by end-user type

  • AQ Manager (monitoring, standards, enforcement)====
  • AQ Policy Maker (issue identification, policies…)====
  • General Public (warnings, forecasts, activity decisions)====


s identifying critical Earth observation priorities within each Societal Benefit Area

For many of the SBAs, the GEO Members Countries and Participating Organizations have already conducted activities, held workshops, and written reports that identify their particular Earth observation needs.

  • Not individual academic papers, but group assessments regarding information needs. Type of documents that are group reports (NARSTO, IGOS...)

Task US-09-01a focuses on compiling and analyzing the results and observation needs expressed in those existing documents.

Task US-09-01a does not involve new, original research on needs or requirements gathering. Instead, the task will harvest information identified in existing, publicly-available documents. This process should be viewed as a meta-analysis exercise across a representative sampling of documents.

a key tenet of Task US-09-01a is to gather information from a broad distribution of international, regional, and national documents, including significant representation from developing countries.

  • Spatial and developmental representation

there will be an Analyst and an Advisory Group to conduct the meta-analysis. The Analyst will serve as the point of contact to manage the activity.

  • manage perform most of work
    • identifying documents,
    • meta-analysis
    • writing report
    • E-mail to author/orgs when we list their documents
    • E-mail to analysts contacts with request for docs/

The Advisory Group will

  • assist the Analyst to identify documents,
    • E-mail to advisor contacts with request for docs/
  • assess analyses, and
  • review findings.

The Analysts and Advisory Groups are ad hoc – they exist only for Task US-09-01a and will expire at the end of the task.

Wherever possible, the Advisory Groups involve members of the GEO Communities of Practice.

  • Method, includes how analyst/advisory group operate, end of task (oct/nov)
  • ask advisory group to send e-mail

Community of Practice - conduit to capture group assessments and give feedback to GEO about what works/doesn't. Arrow feedback in GEO UIC/ADC Architecture picture.

Cross-linking documents that are applicable to other SBA (AQ CoP may be useful for multiple SBA)

May 26 Telecon with Friedl

  • Sharing Friedl PPT, particularly Slide 7
  • Scope Air Quality - also relevant to Climate and disasters
  • Method Analysis approach - by the initial Task and the PPT
  • Access to the early SBA reports as reference
  • Pietro: Analytical methods, Friedl: keyword search, frequency analysis

Advisory Group (members, composition)

Methods of analysis

Coordination & Reporting

Findings of analysis

Earth observations/parameters


    • Process recommendations


Document List

Notes from reviewing analysis of other reports:

  • identify types of users from these documents (public health analysts, data providers, policy makers...)
  • what EO needs do they have (i.e. nigeria needs ambient air monitoring)
  • sort papers by region and by parameter - adding citations for each parameter
  • include the needs as well as EO currently used.

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