AQCluster Telecons 7Aug09
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
August 7, 2009 Telecon
1:30pm EDT
Phone: 866-489-0573;
Meeting Code: *2279431*
Topics (feel free to add an item to the agenda):
- Proposed next step: Writing up a AQ Community Near Term Opportunity document, as discussed in Santa Barbara. A few years back EPA (Scheffe) and NOAA (Steve Fine?) produced an NTO for USGEO. We could update this document or write something new. Such a document, for ourselves, would be useful for explaining to others the purpose of this community, and so that we can see if we are making progress.
- Could we write a draft of an NTO early this fall so we could present it in November to work on with a fuller version of an AQ Community of Practice?
- Semantic telecon update on Machine tags use for AQ Metadata
- ESIP booth at GEO Plenary in November?
- Showcase AIP-2 progress?
- others?
- AQ Twitter Project
(Feel free to add new stuff here. Remaining items are recycled from last call because they still seem germane, but I don't want to fill up the agenda if there is other work to discuss)
- Follow-up from ESIP Summer meeting AQ sessions.
- Add your notes or comments from the meeting
- First draft Candidate Focus Areas that we identified during the workshop are posted. We need to get these in better shape.
- Participation in NASA Air Quality Team Meeting (October?)
- Tackling pieces of the NOx Use Case?
- Defining implementation conventions for interoperability standards for air quality
- Ways for us to help connect EPA and NASA efforts (in other words, can we define next steps that simultaneously address EPA and NASA interests?)
- Need to profile AQ related projects, programs and efforts (laying out the AQ community landscape)
- Following the initial effort for the EPA Data Summit
- Will help us define next steps (aka 'low hanging fruit') in advancing the AQ community infrastructure
- Carol Meyer
- Rob Raskin
- Howard Burroughs
- Greg Leptoukh
- Ana Prados
- Erin Robinson
- David McCabe
- Chris Lynnes
- Berry Herchenrodder
- Rudy Husar
- Terry Keating
- John McHenry
- How to bring concrete items from ad-hoc forums and exchanges?
- what could ESIP recommend for next steps
- coordination across GEO tasks?